climate (sadly) wins

Sure, climate is important, and we have seen how it forces its way into our lives.

The past weeks, many of us read or saw the devastating news of the floods in many countries.

But even more important is the today’s catastrophe behind these images. A lot of citizens, friends, colleagues and family are still living this horror.

They do not need the be convinced that the extreme weather conditions are coming from our lack of engagement to roll out a climate action plan with the correct sense of urgency. They are.

What they really need right now is the help of all of us. Many of these victims do not have a home, car, electricity, cups, plates, jars, food and all the normal things we have and take for granted.

Look for the best way to help them. Collect non-perishable food, cups, glasses, brushes and many more and see how you can give it to them. For they are still in need of all the ‘basic’ stuff, and now is a good timing in helping them through this very difficult period. It will take weeks and months before they will have sight on a more normal live. Up to us to give them the warm feeling that we do not forget them.

Share and help where you can.


