Climate-neutral process heat with HTT heater, compact performance in electrical version
Together with the HTT electrical heater, climate-neutral heating of your products possible, no Co2, even no NoX pollution of the environment during operation
It is the model Compact Design. HTT offers in the field of electric heaters, of course also available in Ex-construction, an output range of maximum4 MW during a temperature up to 400° Celsius.??
Electrical heaters can operate without using fossil fuels. The simple, fast installation and low maintenance are two main arguments for the electrical heater regarding the wte series from HTT. The power range will be between 25 and 4,000 kW and can reach temperatures up to 400°C. It can also be used to heat warm water up to +100°C, hot water up to 240°C or thermal oil up to 400°C. This means that the electric heater is ideal for use in our temperature control units from the cps series together with cooling. The size of the wte depends on your heating requirements and thus enables the optimum use of your space.
The wte and the required components, as pump unit, expansion tank and control cabinet, are designed by our experts based on your specifications.
Your request is our job for you