Climate-Induced Turbulence: A Pressing Concern for the Aviation World
Brookfield Aviation International
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In the ever-evolving sphere of aviation, where precision and safety are of paramount importance, a new challenge has emerged, demanding immediate attention. Clear-air turbulence, often unseen and unpredictable, is on the rise, posing a substantial threat to the aviation industry. Exacerbated by the impacts of climate change, this turbulence is now a matter of global concern. Here's why it should be a central topic of discussion.?
Clear-air turbulence, unlike turbulence resulting from storms, is a formidable adversary, avoiding detection with current equipment. Its unpredictability and abrupt onset afford flight crews little time to forewarn passengers, underscoring the necessity for proactive solutions.?
A recent study provides a comprehensive insight into the escalating turbulence trends. Notably, one of the world's busiest air routes, the North Atlantic, has witnessed a significant upsurge in turbulence duration. Severe turbulence has surged by 55%, moderate turbulence by 37%, and light turbulence by 17%. These statistics signify real risks faced by passengers and crews daily.?
So, why is this matter of utmost importance to aviation professionals and the global community??
1. Safety: Ensuring the safety of passengers and crew members takes precedence. With turbulence becoming more frequent and severe, ensuring safe and smooth journeys has become an increasingly formidable challenge. Proactive measures are imperative to address this issue.?
2. Efficiency: Turbulence results in inefficiencies in flight operations, leading to delays, heightened fuel consumption, and increased costs for airlines. Tackling this problem is vital for the economic sustainability of the aviation industry.?
3. Climate Change: The primary cause of this surge in turbulence is climate change. Shifts in temperatures disrupt the jet stream, resulting in heightened turbulence. As the aviation industry strives for decarbonization, comprehending and mitigating these climate-related effects is crucial.?
What can be done??
Enhanced forecasts and advanced technologies such as LIDAR and RADAR on aircraft can aid in the detection and avoidance of turbulence. However, addressing this challenge calls for a collaborative effort. Governments, airlines, and passengers must work together to devise solutions.?
While the long-term goal is the decarbonization of aviation, immediate actions, such as offering tax incentives for more environmentally friendly aviation practices, can help alleviate the impact. It's not about flying less; it's about flying smarter and greener.?
In conclusion, clear-air turbulence intensified by climate change is an urgent issue that demands our attention and collaboration. Brookfield Aviation recognizes the significance of this issue and underscores how these factors could adversely affect the aviation industry if not addressed earnestly. It is imperative for the entire aviation sector to focus on this matter.
Captain Gulfstream G280, GVII
1 年What a crock.
Lead Captain/Aviation Manager. G550
1 年Evidence? Not opinion. What was your source? ACARS crossings? PIREPS? Give us the science and not propaganda. Then I’ll listen.