Climate impact on crops
Finca La Reserva, Ciudad Bolívar, Antioquia

Climate impact on crops

Strategies for Dealing with the Impact of Drought Caused by the El Ni?o Phenomenon

31st January 2024

Since 2023, there has been a significant increase in temperature, as indicated by IDEAM studies. Temperatures exceeding 0.5°C in the ocean have been recorded, and it is projected that there could be a further increase of 2.5°C in the air. The latter information was published in the Agrometeorological Coffee Bulletin by Cenicafé.

This climatic change is largely attributed to the "El Ni?o" phenomenon, which involves temperature variations, primarily in the central and eastern Pacific Ocean, impacting overall climate perception.

"According to the latest update from the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), the current phenomenon is expected to last at least until April 2024, influencing meteorological patterns and contributing to a further rise in temperatures on both land and the ocean."

In Colombia, specifically, the National Fire Department has reported around 500 forest fires between January 1 and January 23, showing a likelihood of increasing in number. The impact has drawn attention to the situation in the countryside. Even before the onset of the "El Ni?o" season, farmers from various sectors are organizing to prevent its impact. Organizations such as La Federación de Cafeteros, Cenicafé, and others are publishing bulletins with recommendations, primarily addressing risks that may arise from this situation.

We spoke with our farm manager about how we prepare and protect coffee crops and our coffee growers as well. According to records, temperatures in Ciudad Bolívar, Antioquia, can range between 26°C and 38°C, with a certain degree of humidity. In the field, this signals an alert to increase monitoring and pest control, indicating the activation of protocols, as mentioned by Sergio álvarez.

Sergio álvarez, Farm Manager - Ciudad Bolívar, Antioquia
We are focused on caring for our soils. Within our regenerative agriculture plan, we advocate not using glyphosate, allowing us to maintain live coverage and thereby preserve moisture and ideal soil conditions.

Despite the current climatic situation, the temperature increase (to a certain extent) can also represent optimal conditions for maturation and harvesting, presenting a more positive scenario than previously mentioned.

It is also essential to mention the importance of protecting harvesters and field workers, with constant hydration and sun protection, covering both head and body. Additionally, staying alert to possible heatstrokes or dehydration is recommended.

Here, we share a few recommendations for this season:

  1. Attention and prevention of climatic changes: Organizations like IDEAM provide updated records on drought/precipitation forecasts, humidity, and temperature changes.
  2. Planning, implementation, and mitigation: Monitoring changes allows for anticipation. In the case of a forecasted decrease in rainfall, it is recommended to keep the crop hydrated, ideally through irrigation.
  3. Staff preparation: Often overlooked but vital, planning the necessary equipment for this season is crucial. Considering optimal conditions, ensure that your team is protected from the sun, stays hydrated, and has access to shaded areas. A successful crop goes hand in hand with those who work on it.
  4. Conditioning: In addition to ensuring soil with controlled moisture, it is essential to maintain the nutrition plan and reinforce it if necessary. Foliar applications facilitate supplementation in irregular soil moisture conditions.
  5. Monitoring and control: High temperatures facilitate pest increase and contagion, making it important to implement the phytosanitary treatment protocol.

Good planning is the main ally in any scenario, with coffee being a clear example in this article. We hope this information is useful for our community.


Acciones y herramientas para el manejo del cultivo del café en un fenómeno del Ni?o - Federación Nacional de Cafeteros. (2020, October 6). Federación Nacional De Cafeteros.

Condiciones actuales - Agroclima. (n.d.). Agroclima.

Cuatro recomendaciones para proteger los cultivos del fenómeno de El Ni?o. (n.d.).

Se espera que El Ni?o dure al menos hasta abril de 2024. (2023, November 8). Noticias ONU.,desarrollo%2C%20en%20este%20caso%202024

Patria, L. (2023, July 9). Claves para que los caficultores superen El Ni?o. La Patria.

Plataforma agroclimática cafetera | (n.d.).

Vista de Recomendaciones para el cultivo Enero. (n.d.).



