Climate Changes start at community level
Suresh Kumar
Seasoned Finance and Technology Consultant with 35+ years experience across multiple verticals.
Every body talks of Climate change and most of us have experienced the consequences, be it the raging fires in Australia and California or the flash floods / drought situations in many parts of the world. If every community starts doing something at a village / community level, things can definitely change. Small drops make and ocean as is said. I am fascinated by one such individual - Sonam Wangchuk from Ladhak in the Himalayan region. Many of you not from India would not know him. You can check on his profile at A very famous Bollywood movie was made based on his work called "Three Idiots" available to view on YouTube. There are several videos on Sonam Wangchuk's work on YouTube. You can watch and imbibe, some simple practices professed by him. Check out this video for now.
#societyandculture #climatechange #india #community