Climate Change - the Why, the What and the So What?
Project Brains
A Future of Work platform, helping ambitious businesses grow with fractional specialists
Climate Change is in the news for three main reasons:
Inevitably, the annual UN Conference of Parties has become a must-have ticket for people in governments, politics, business and culture. The event is at par with or even higher profile than conferences like Davos, summits like the UN General Assembly, and sports & cultural happenings like Champions League, Coachella or Cannes. The most recent was the 26th UN Conference of Parties (COP26) hosted by the UK and Italy. It culminated in the Glasgow Climate Pact. We will analyse the Pact by exploring five key questions in a series of articles by Project Brains specialists:
We will conclude each article with the so what: actions for us all to consider. These are for us: in our role as a consumer, an saver or an investor, an economically-active worker, and an engaged citizen.
The key principle for these considerations is to align us better to the Cleantech transition. Failure to be a positive part of this change will impact our future - personal and professional - as well as inhibit our community, business and nation. And who would want that!
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