Climate change? It is not me, it’s them.

Climate change? It is not me, it’s them.

2019 is coming to an end, anything new on Climate front? My personal view would be ‘Yes’ and ‘No’.

  • ‘No’ as Science re-re-reconfirmed climate disruption scale and pace, extreme weather events grew in number as announced, committed Corporations reaffirmed their determination to reinvent themselves -even if louder than ever before-, and Governments often did not live-up to green citizens' expectations;
  • Yes’, as most Media dedicated much more space to this Climate series, its drama, its hopes and heroes; Yes as more of our colleagues and friends proudly turned veggie and found car-pooling super cool; Yes as just announced EU’s Green Deal seems directionally promising, even if a bit early to say; Yes as Youngsters have turned very vocal; Yes as ‘Meaningful & impactful careers’ have become Gen Z’s new Grail; And so much more worth appreciating. For all this, let us rejoice and anticipate 2019 will likely remain considered as a tipping point in the growth of our collective consciousness about the need to change and be bold.


This said, everyone knows our actual decarbonization pace is still much too slow; Another concerning thing for me is we witnessed a fast accelerating finger-pointing between generations, social groups, economies, or people even. 'Others' being made culprits. Let us hope such much welcome awakening won’t only turn-up into a ‘blame it onto the other’-game. This would tilt us away from the desired trajectory, and create dramatic tensions on the way. A dose of Blaming and shaming may last, fine, some of it may even be needed, fine, but this said what's really much harder is to actually ... change! And not only 'Them'. Now what ? (allow me to personalize through 'I', though I don't suggest this is a confession ;-) ...)

 What if…

…I stopped blaming this or that Government, already struggling to concurrently keep jobs, reimburse the debt, and adjust to a changing world; I had them elected or failed to have other voices heard,

…I stopped blaming these shareholders, Corporations, or Brands. We invented them, they try to stay afloat, I buy their stuff or strive as their employee to make them perform,

...I stopped blaming it all on Oil & Gas and other such industries, they let me fly cheap, drive easy, and gas heats my home for few cents a day,

…I stopped criticizing that country’s CO2-heavy energy mix, they strive to make my smartphone and PV panels at lowest possible cost,

…I stopped believing those stating I could only influence 25% of global CO2 emissions, and ‘Governments, Banks, Corporations’ should do the rest; Those did not really appreciate my ‘Power from within’,

…I stopped blaming ‘the Other’,


I am the ‘Other’


What if instead...

… I deliberately chose my food, my energy sources, my stuff, my leisure, my travel, based on their climate impact, as the digital world makes much of that info available to me,

… I made compulsive consumption ′Passé’, and low-CO2 the ‘New Cool’, as indeed few will actually admire me or Love me for sustainably ′binge-consuming’,

… I fearlessly introspected my own footprint and spotted areas where I am part of the problem, addressed each step by step, forcefully and joyfully,

… I selected my job -as much as I can!-or even created it, for its contribution to a common good, then improved it further from within,

… I always proposed to my boss the lowest-CO2 and most circular option, as I am paid to innovate, not to sustain statu quo, ain’t I ?

… I rolled my sleeves, and dared to forgive my neighbor for not yet rolling his’, as well as for his past CO2 emissions as much as mine. He will join in when he'll see the changing crowd. Climate decade is ahead, not behind.


In each of my roles (child/parent, employee/boss, citizen/elected, husband/wife/partner, shareholder/consumer, etc) what if I took the challenge to ‘be the change’?


It is not them, it’s me.

bernard pesso

consultant sécurité comportementale / behavior safety consulting & training

5 年

It's me too... Thanks for sharing your thoughts Xaviet


Helping industrial sites to efficiently decarbonize their operations.

5 年

Indeed everyone has a share of responsibility to the situation we are facing and everyone has some power to change it (for the best or the worst). But we live in a very unequal world, where a tiny percentage of individuals own as much "power to change" (e.g.: wealth) as the total power owned by billions of other individuals together. According to Oxfam: "in 2017, the world top 42 billionaires had as much wealth as the bottom 50% (3,775 billion people)". Therefore the share of responsibility to the situation we are facing AND the level of power to change it, is very unequal between individuals. When one is being/turning veggie, adopting low-carbon life style, rising awareness of the climate issue to relatives, adopting a low-carbon work style, shifting its savings to support only low-carbon projects, even engaging in additional projects/communities to foster positive change. What more can one do? Now if we agree that our recent history of the industrial revolution, now mainly lead by capitalistic socio-economic models and fueled by "ever" growing quantity of energy (80% fossil) is directly correlated with our? GHG (CO2) emissions, which are the main driver of the global warming we are living. And if we agree that this model has allowed to progressively increase the inequality levels among humans described above.?? What if instead of redistributing the responsibility and guilt of our climate change impact in an equal way among every individuals, we hold the count as per the real power of change that every individual has according to her/his wealth (or political, corporate power), which is actually very unequal? If one is making everything one can at individual level to shift the world in the right direction, what if one billionaire, one head of government, one head of corporate company does the same, playing with her/his full "power"?

Yannick BOURRAT ??

Executive coach & Sparring partner

5 年

I'm the Other !? Thanks for this balanced New Year article.

Jorge Rodriguez

Strategic Financial Executive | Global Pricing Director at Schneider Electric | Tri-lingual

5 年

Good article, powerfull and needed message in this time Xavier, we have to be responsible and be the change that we want to see in the world. Public opinion and action are necessary to tip the scale.?? I find my self in a weird place; like you, I stay positive after witnessing more and more people being responsible for their way of life. At the same time, negativity engulfs me by the loud indifference of many, particularly in high polluting countries where the status quo is protected. The 2020s will be a critical decade for the world. As you point out, the new generations are more conscious and empowered than ever before to generate change. I can only hope that Parkinson's law comes into action, and the measures are implemented in time. I stand with you to be part of the change in 2020. Let us make it a truly Happy new year

Marc Bourdé

Partner at PwC UK | EMEA SAP Alliance Leader Driving Business Transformation with SAP S/4HANA & Gen AI Technology Partners

5 年

Merci Xavier pour ce message très percutant et honnête. Hope you are well. Bonne année 2020



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