Climate change
The global climate is changing and it is projected to continue to change over this century and beyond.
Extreme heat and drought are increasing across large areas of many countries worldwide, affecting crops in the process.
Climate change is making it harder for producing areas by altering temperature and rainfall patterns for example.
If we look closely, climate change may actually benefit some plants in some regions by lengthening growing seasons, elevated levels of CO2 from climate change may enable plants to benefit from the carbon fertilization effect. However long droughts and heat waves will stress plants, causing them to be less productive.
Furthermore issues like floods, wildfires, water shortages, storms and invasive pest outbreaks, among many others make it a major global concern that needs to be managed.
Producers of different crops worldwide are looking for fairer climates or even changing crops as rising temperatures and droughts are making it difficult to carry on with the same pace, Specialty crops and the berry category are not an exception.
As a consequence, many growing regions, new and existing are becoming more interesting for the future.
Let us know your thoughts about climate change and how it is affecting your area.