Climate Change
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By David K. Lifschultz,
Compliments of The Lifschultz Organization, Founded in 1899
The issue of #globalwarming is illogical as presented these days.??The CO2 greenhouse effect is real. The feedback loops in climate systems determine the magnitude of the ultimate effects of greenhouse warming, and clouds are the major feedback factor. The feedback from clouds are simply described as either: a) more clouds form as the atmosphere warms (negative feedback), or b) fewer clouds form as the atmosphere warms (positive feedback). A few months ago I wrote to a leading scientist on the IPCC with my questions about this. He returned a friendly email that said "Of the many feedbacks in the system, the cloud feedback has proved most vexing. As you pointed out in your message, we are not even confident that we know the sign of the feedback globally". He also said that cloud feedback is entered into the global circulation models as a single parameter, since these models do not estimate the cloud feedback. The uncertainty in the model predictions, just from this one parameter, is so large that the worst case greenhouse warming is obtained if strong positive feedback is input, and zero warming occurs if a strong negative feedback is input.?A single parameter is used as the statistic on historical cloud formation since the historical statistics do not exist.?The single parameter is arbitrary and therefore all studies on climate change are inconclusive.?It is fantastic that the entire climate change narrative is unproven and yet the new non-carbon world order is imposed on the world.
The concept that clouds have a dual function in greenhouse warming and cloud formation is a chaotic process as it is impossible to quantify cloud formation as a fixed parameter so it is arbitrary that we used a fixed constant to represent this variable. The issue is whether the cloud formation changing is causing the greenhouse effect or the excess carbon emissions entering the atmosphere.?If the clouds are causing the warming, then carbon emissions are not relevant to climate change.?This does not mean that air purity in Beijing or New Delhi or anywhere else is not a vitally important issue.
A recent book by Steven Starr entitled "Nuclear High-Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse" has raised again the fear about a strike on America by an electromagnetic pulse weapon but I have found no evidence to support the theory.?The book is merely theoretical extrapolations or we might call thought experiments.?There are many areas of concern but I would not worry about EMP as there is no evidence that (EMP) electromagnetic pulses can shut down the entire electrical system.?So far what I see is that the only significant evidence of the danger of EMP is an extrapolation from the effect of lightning.?If we consider the nearby effect of the nuclear explosions as the Trinity Experiment or the dropping of the nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, there were no deductions or evidence then that these effects could have a doomsday effect on the nation's electronic systems from those blasts that I know of.??The theory is also said to be supported by Russian evidence during the communist period which is suspect.?The study of this was placed in one of the Trump budgets but then withdrawn.?It is enough to say that the populations of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were turned into salt as at Sodom and Gomorrah.??Incidentally, there is radioactivity at the Dead Sea and it looks looks like it sits in the middle of a giant crater.?Lot's wife turned into a salt statue and there is so much salt in the Dead Sea you can't sink when you swim in it.?Josephus says in his histories that he saw the statue of Lot's wife about two thousand years ago at about the time the Temple and Jerusalem were destroyed by the Roman Armies under the Roman General Titus but it is not there now.
That does not mean there is not a lot to worry about in how our national defense is being handled.?This is covered in footnote 1.
Footnote one: