Climate Change Is the Biggest Business Opportunity of the 21st Century
Dudley Stewart
Managing Director - Micro Electricity Generation Association (MEGA) & Charleville Castle - cityxchange
"Anand Mahindra is considered one of the world’s most innovative business leaders and has been an outspoken advocate of seizing the business opportunities associated with climate change.
He believes a false choice has been created between profit and sustainability. “The fact is that sustainability can create wealth,” he told the World Economic Forum recently. With trillions of dollars worth of climate-related business opportunities over the next two decades, Anand says, “We need to keep drumming the message that climate change is in fact this century’s biggest financial and business opportunity.”
In this conversation with Ron O’Hanley, Anand discusses how he came to focus so intensively on climate change issues, how Mahindra Group is incorporating sustainability into its long-term business strategy and what gives him hope about the future."
Of course all of the above is true but only because business has been increasingly driven for profit and profit only .... and the planet has been put into the risk of extinction. Now trillions upon trillions 9of dollars must be spect on making our ways on earth durable for the planet - we need clean energy delivered through an energy transition that is far greater in its challenges than any World War has been. The old adage "build it and they shall come" may not, in fact, be so old (Kevin Costner "Dances With Wolves" 1990) but it might, in the context of this startling Energy Transition have to become true. EU Policy makers at the highest level have repeatedly emphasised that "purpose" must replace the impossible narrow current "Business Wisdom" of enterprise viability based on a minimum 4 years to break-even - the revenue first virus. In the Climate Change Emergency clean energy can only come about at the scale and speed to enable the Energy Transition if we understand that copying someone else's success is the only way to safely do business. Climate Action: The-messy-but-essential-pursuit-of-purpose: Making Purpose Real – Harvard Business School: ? - this is where the money can earn its highest value and surplus ....
Of course Kevin's "wisdom" used recklessly ends mostly in broken dreams - But the tools for tackling Climate Change (those prototypes & living labs - the small little wind generators of the 1970's) were built by those who could see the "possible" and how it could be made "highly profitable" ...... now wind power can make hydrogen from seawater ...... now energy consumers can become clean energy producers and can further engineer energy through storage and simple conversion technology to create Virtual Power Plants locally - the first step in completing the big task of creating an autonomous local energy system (micro-grid or community-grid) as the cornerstone of a new energy democracy? ... and perhaps even open the trail to true purpose-driven open democracy? When the practical benefits of local democracies exceed the current theoretical bind will a better more durable democratic system of collaboration and governance proliferate?