Climate Change Adaptation - Projects
Climate Change is upon us!
Have a look at these wonderfully designed projects where adaptation to climate change has been the main driver.
1. Urban Climadapp - Consists of an urban climate map that includes wind nuisance zones and urban heat classes. The development of the Climadapp tool has been stimulated by the Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Studies (AMS).
2. UN17 Village - With sustainable living as its core concept, upcycled waste materials are used in the construction of the UN17 Village in all aspects right from social, environmental aspects to operational, and biodiverse aspects. This project is taken up by the Lendager Group.
3. MALM? 2030 - The Norra Bunkeflostrand construction uses upcycling and wood construction. To address the problem of urban expansion and densification along with the consequences of climate change, the plan is formulated in such a way that the buildings are secured for a sea-level rise of up to 3 meters and surface solutions allow for the collection of rainwater.
4. Blue Current DC - CallisonRTKL - Protective levees would be used to encircle the pipings used for stormwater management and it will also serve as the base for a 4.5-mile pedestrian and bicycle loop trail. These trails would be placed around the monuments so that they are accessible even during high water levels.
5. China's "Sponge cities" - The objective of China's ‘Sponge city initiative’ is that the rainwater absorption capacity is enhanced and distributed more evenly across the targeted areas such that the intensity of rainwater runoff is reduced.
6. Black Meadow - The Black Meadow site provides an opportunity to come up with an urban park that allows for the combination of greenery and urban substance. There would be no heavy clustering of the buildings.
7. Singelpark Leiden - The Dutch city - Leiden incorporates an urban park concept - the Singelpark along the former military fortifications. Both sides of the canal could be transformed into horticultural strips.
8. Dwarka, Delhi, India - Recharging groundwater, implementing water design into landscape design, increased water holding capacity, treating wastewater, etc are all aspects of the design. Slow traffic and space for pedestrians are two other factors considered for the new road system.
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