Climate Actions?—?a series
For the past few months I have been reading up on the state of climate change — the greatest challenge humanity has ever faced. The reports are alarming and it’s easy being left with the feeling of ‘so what do I do? — what do we do?’ — as well as ‘do my actions really matter?’ when the coal and oil powered plants keep emitting more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere when the head of the EPA is a former coal lobbyist and the newly elected president of Brazil has launched an assault of the Amazon.
Everyone is talking about the need for action now and the state of climate emergency but very few talk about what to do.
I’ve read countless articles and been to seminars, conferences, and lectures. Everyone is talking about the need for action now and the state of climate emergency but very few talk about what to do. It’s been frustrating. To the point where I’ve decided to start sharing Climate Actions — things you and I can do to mitigate the climate crisis.
Change starts from within. Yes, the oil companies keep pumping up oil, the coal mines keeps digging coal, the auto dealers keep producing gasoline cars — but only as long as we, the consumers, allow them. We are as much a part of the problem as they are. We have the power to change. And we have the power to say no. No more oil, gas, coal and no more destruction of our planet. We have a choice to make. Or rather many choices.
We can keep on living as we’ve always lived, or we can change — and we need to. Maybe that’s one of the harder things to realize. That we have to change our lives and how we live, to be able to save the planet earth and the future of humanity.
We all need to change; individuals, corporations, industries, governments— all of us. In this series I will focus on what you can do as an individual, in your life, with your actions — the part I feel has been missing from the debate, articles, and seminars.
So, tell me what to do, you may be thinking. And I will. This is just the introduction to an upcoming series of texts (and an illustration of what the experience has been like ;).
More articles in this series
- Climate Action — Understand your carbon footprint
- Climate Action — Go Car-Free
- Climate Action — Fly Less
This article originally appeared on Medium
Utvecklar m?nniskor, team och organisationer
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5 年Great initiative. I started the NOWaste Foundation to create a no waste future. If we start to design for no waste instead of today when we design for waste. The current mindset is that waste is someone else problem and that is so wrong. Please see for more info