Cliff versus Old Cliff...
I probably suck at sports because I’m not competitive. Don’t get me wrong, I like to win. Who doesn’t? But my greatest competition doesn’t come from without. But from within.
Cliff versus Old Cliff.
Here’s an example.
I need a 3-ring binder.
A few weeks back, I wrote that I wanted to try out a Franklin Planner to help better organize my life (competition). My goal is to accomplish more.
For the 2019 Filler Pages, it’s $40. The leather binder with built in seat warmers is $110.
I know me. I’ll invest $150 into something. And then walk away.
I program my Mac to spit out 60 pages (2 months) of planner pages. I get them printed. Sherry loans me a 3-hole punch. Life is good.
But I need a 3-ring binder.
It’s a 30 minute drive. One way. Uphill. In snow.
Old Cliff wants to drive and get it. Just to check that box. That’s where my competitive nostrils really flare. That stupid “to do” list.
But Strategic Cliff looks at his schedule. Two meetings and a webinar. I have deliverables that day. Can I really afford to take an hour just to get a 3-ring binder?
Amazon says I can have 3-ring binders in two days. Even in Chicken Scratch, Michigan.
Then I scan over my to-dos. I’m out of coffee. I need an HDMI cable to connect my computer to the TV. My Story Project with mom needs a microphone stand.
I planned on picking up those things in the big city of Saginaw. Of course they are twice as expensive as Amazon. And it would easily burn 3 to 4 hours.
Amazon is 3 minutes. Amazon it is!
Two days later, the box arrives. The check boxes check themselves. I just saved 3 to 4 hours.
Cliff for the win! I high five myself.
For me, competition is about beating Old Cliff. Becoming better. Improving. Confronting the old paradigm, the lies that masquerade as truths …
Like my good friend Ron wrote “Life is a game.”
It’s a game I will win.