Cliff Notes "This Time It's Personal Article"?
Article by Amperity &

Cliff Notes "This Time It's Personal Article"

Here are the research nuggets I recently gleaned from an article by Amperity &:

It’s important to build relationships with your customers so they will stay with your brand.

Speak to their interests, preferences, buying habits and history with your company when they engage.

Your challenge as a business is to find ways to engage with your customers in a way that feels personal and authentic, every step of the way.

Brands get %50 of their business from %10 of their customers and %90 of business from %20.

You can’t use customer data if you can’t get it or it’s inaccurate.

Your goal is not to send a personalized communication they click on, rather, send the right kind of message to someone you’ve identified, to strengthen their overall relationship with your brand.

%25-%50 of your customers will opt-in to receive your companies e-mails. %15-%20 will open those e-mails, %3 will click thru.

Personalization should accomplish the following:

Increased engagement

Improved conversion

Increase retention of your customer for a long period of time

Reduce churn

Create customer loyalty

Grow your business

Source: Amperity &: The Enterprise Guide to Personalization at Scale August 18, 2021


