The Client Journey: Step 1 of 3
Jacksons: Meaningful Financial Planning
Meaningful Financial Planning delivered by a team of independent experts with one goal: making your money work for you.
‘It’s not the destination, it’s the journey’
We want to help you create a foundation plan you take forward, but first we want to have some fun with finding out how you got to this point so far and help you decide what to do next. There is never really one solution as it depends on which path you take.
I (Sharon Bray) was really into writing at school, at one point journalism crossed my mind as a possible career, but it was really storytelling that I enjoyed. So, this is the first of a three-part series based on the foundations I was taught at school, namely that a story consists of a beginning, a middle and an end - with some fun and juicy stuff in between! I guess the difference for you, our clients, is at the end you get to decide the next part of the story.
Let me take you through the first stages of getting to know us so you know what to expect from our first contact to your initial planning meeting.?
Making the call
It all begins when you take the time to send us a message, email or pick up the phone, and at this point I want to say thank you. It’s easy for us to think it’s just a call or an email but I am sure you have spent some time thinking, processing and maybe even worrying about making that first contact. If you are ready, you will know and it should feel good.
Hopefully you have taken the time to look at our website to really get a feel of who we are, what we do and perhaps more importantly how we will work with you. We have taken a great deal of care to make sure our website and social media truly reflect who we are and what we are working toward. It’s okay to go with an initial thought of "I like these guys" or "they are not what I am looking for," - in fact this is the one thing I think you can truly reply upon: you have to feel comfortable when engaging with any financial planner.
Once you have made contact, you will be sent a link from Pete or myself to get booked in to talk further.
Having an honest conversation
We like to jump on a Teams/Zoom video call if possible to have an initial chat with you. Our work is all about our interaction with people; we want to see you in your environment, at ease and really, just have a chat.
What should you ask when we meet? What will we want to know?? How do you know if we are the right fit? Firstly, let’s not overthink this. I am a chatterbox and Pete has a great way with words so the conversation should be engaging and open. We just want you to be yourself and to talk about your hopes and fears for your financial future with honesty.
Numbers are not important at this stage, it’s all about what you want from the journey with us! At the core of this process is the motivation to do something different and be open to a new conversation. So if you already work with an adviser, having a comparative view might give you clarity. If you are new to working with a planner, do you feel heard and can you work with our culture and ethos? Because this will impact the way in which we grow together.
We focus solely on value at this point in our engagement - can we add value to your situation, can we make a difference, do you really need us or could you do it yourself? We do not have a minimum level of assets that you need to hold to work with us, we just want to know if we can make a positive impact on your here-and-now and on your future.
At the end of the initial chat, we will have learnt a little more about you and you will know more about who Jacksons are and the process of getting onboard with us. You'll know more about our fees and how they work and finally you should have the Jacksons vibe!
If you like the sound of us, what happens next?
We will put some notes together to capture the essence of our conversation to help steer the adviser when they make contact. This gives you more time on your next call to talk about things a little deeper.
Pete and I then sit down to talk through each interaction to connect you with an adviser that we feel will get the best out of you both. All of our advisors have exceptional skill and experience but are all different in terms of personality. It’s important to us that both you and our team of advisers feel at ease. This leads to a long and fulfilling relationship.
One of our advisers (Demi, Mark, Colleen, Paul J, Toby or Paul W)?will contact you via email to arrange a further Teams/Zoom call. What should you expect from this call? More of the same, a relaxed call based around the bigger picture not the numbers, we will get to this later! We really do want to know you, maybe a little challenge of thought, a deeper dive into what the advice process looks like for you and some intentional questions about what you are looking for. Again, this should help you decide if we are the right fit for you.
The next steps
After your call, the adviser will take some time to consider what value we can add, the focus points as we move forward, and the work that would be involved. It's really important to find a human connection so we also make sure that we are all on the same page.
Within five working days you will receive an email?providing a summary of how we will work with you moving forward. This will break down what we believe to be your objectives, how we will work to meet these objectives and the specific costs involved. At this point all you need to do is let us know if your feel we are the right fit for you.
If you are, amazing! We will introduce you to one of our Client Relationship Managers (Carrie, Tracey, Amy, Hayley, Zoe, TC and Tegen) and Paraplanners (Elliot, Jacob and Tom)?and the fun begins. If not, that's great too. You have taken the time to get to know us and found that we are not quite what you are looking for - that's neither right nor wrong, all just an experience.
We are who we say we are
We love this first part of the client journey. It’s so exciting to jump on a video call or pick up the phone to someone new whom we know nothing about. We are passionate about who we are and what we do, and we hope this comes across.
If you are thinking of getting in contact but not sure what to expect, hopefully you now have more of an idea; it really is just a chat. Drop us an email, fill in an enquiry form online, message on Instagram or pick up the phone - use whatever medium feels comfortable.?
Remember we will learn as much from you as you do from us!?