Prepare : Before you dial in, have all vital information ready at your fingertips. This will help you to answer all the questions that may arise without getting confused.

Empathize : Treat the client as you yourself would like to be treated. Ask yourself, 'How would I feel or react if someone said or did this to me ?' Act accordingly.

Do not answer text messages, emails or have conversations with other people in the room when you are answering telephone calls. Focus on the callers needs.

Remember, your client can only hear and not see you. You need to assure him/her that you have listened carefully and understood everything. Use verbal nods, questions and paraphrase information whenever required.

Learn to read between the lines. Is the client saying nothing's wrong , but in a tone of voice that indicates otherwise? What does the client really need and how can you help?


Nikhil Tripathi

Driving Business Success with Data Analytics and Insights

9 年

Nice one... !!



