Clever calendars, cultivating cultures and refreshing rewards: it's your penultimate edition of HR Moments from Cezanne.
Hello there! And welcome to your penultimate edition of HR Moments for 2024. With the festive season upon us, we thought we’d kick off this month’s newsletter with a little early gift to help you kick off the new year in style…
NEW! The Ultimate 2025 HR Engagement Calendar
Looking to elevate your HR initiatives next year? We’ve got just the thing! Our 2025 HR Engagement Calendar is the perfect resource to keep your team engaged and your efforts aligned with events throughout the year. It features all the important dates you need to mark in your calendar: from national holidays and awareness days, to important dates in HR and payroll calendars. It’s a must-have for any HR or payroll professional… and the best part? It’s totally free!
End-of-Year Employee Recognition: getting it right for hybrid and remote workforces
As the end of the year approaches, celebrating employee contributions becomes even more crucial - especially for hybrid and remote workforces. Many people will be looking forward to celebrating and reflecting on their efforts over the past twelve months. However, businesses will have one eye on January and hitting the ground running in the new year. So, how can ensure you finish the year on a high and have your workforce ready and excited for the year ahead?
In this article, we share actionable tips and insights for ensuring your recognition efforts really resonate, no matter where your team works. From tailored appreciation gestures to fostering inclusivity, it highlights how recognition can boost morale, engagement, retention... basically, all the good stuff needed for a company to thrive.
The 4-day working week: key considerations for HR
The buzz around 4-day working weeks has only increased since formal trials started earlier this year. So, are you curious about the four-day workweek and what it could mean for your organisation? If so, our thought-provoking article explores the challenges and opportunities of adopting a shorter workweek: from maintaining productivity and fairness to balancing employee satisfaction and business needs.
Whether you're intrigued by the potential to attract top talent or concerned about the practicalities of implementation, we’ve got all the practical insights for you to consider… just hit this link to find out more.
Who should manage your HRIS software: IT or HR?
Hmm, now there’s a question we get asked often! On one hand, an HR software platform should be made to make the lives of people & payroll professionals much easier – it makes sense they should manage it… right? But, on the other hand, IT has the expertise and knowledge to ensure an HRIS runs smoothly, securely and trouble-free… so shouldn’t they be the ones in control?
It’s a tough one to answer – but there is a solution. Our article explores both sides of the argument and ultimately, answers the question of who should be the rulers of your own HRIS platform.
Back with a bang: Cezanne Connect 2024 Roundup?
November was a big month for us here at Cezanne. We ran our new and improved User Group Meeting: Cezanne Connect in glorious new surroundings at the London Stadium – and what a day it turned out to be!
Curious to know what the day was all about? You can get a full rundown of all the key moments of the day in our roundup here.
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Something in the world of HR caught your eye?
Don’t be shy: we’d love to hear from you! If there’s a topic you’d like to learn more about, just drop us a message via [email protected], and we’ll look to feature your suggestion in a future edition.