Clearing the Noise
??Here's how I move through the day with flow - and only work on the things that really matter in my business.
It comes down to knowing when I'm on point and really in the space of creativity, and when I'm more in the mode of "give me that list of simple tasks and I will crush".. there are many different states we go through on a daily basis, and knowing which one you're in at any moment is essential to avoiding the "come on, brain" type of frustration that leads many people to feel unmotivated and ineffective.
I do a few things every day (habits!) that allow me to be in a space of ease with my work.
1) I work on creative things in the mornings, when I'm most fresh. These are the creative projects such as music, crafting lessons for the Focused Growth business program, hatching plans for a new marketing campaign, etc. where I'm really pulling things out of "thin air" and needing that extra space in my mind before the day really gets rolling and I've looked at my email, social media, etc.
2) BEFORE I work on ANYTHING, I'm mapping out what Really needs to be done in each area of my life that day. That way, I can fit in some laundry between more intense mental tasks. Today, for example, I took a nap in the afternoon on the back patio (swatting flies) and am now inspired to write this to help you out, rather than feeling sluggish like I was before the nap, when I wouldn't have felt the natural inclination to share something I consider to be valuable.
3) This is probably the most important piece.. I ultimately work on what I feel called to do within the map I mentioned above (if you'd like a copy of the map technique I use for my day, comment Map below). Having a clear layout of the things I Most want to accomplish in a day based on my vision for my life and business, I know that I have flexibility within that to choose the things I'm most naturally drawn to do in the moment, rather than opening Facebook or Candy Crush because I don't have direction and don't feel like doing the things that happen to come to mind for my business.
This is all part of a greater process I use in my business called the Cascade, based on the Charfen Cadence for managing hella effective businesses. I'm happy to do a video sharing this process, just leave a comment to let me know!
Lastly, how are things going for you, do you feel like you're on point and cruising through the cool waters of life, or stuck in a warm, stagnant pond? Lemme know, and feel free to PM if there's something you'd like to share privately.
All the bestest ??