Clearing is not Creating. What Will You Choose?
Alex Iglecia
Accelerate insight, change & new direction by experiencing yourself more fully. Choose your start: Stuck | Clarity | Crossroads | Growth | Healing | Wisdom
Have you ever met someone addicted to freedom?
My first transformational training in 2004 woke up me to authenticity. I learned that 'being you', meant stopping the ways you were being 'not-you.'
I wanted to create an epic life and now I had the power to clear my subconscious. Mind blown. Brain high on dopamine. I became an addict and got great at clearing and bad at creating. Nice idea, but incomplete plan.
Clearing is no substitute for creating.
Have you ever seen a smart person scared to speak up? What should they do? Work on themselves? Know themselves? Force themselves?
A person holding back value can benefit by clearing thoughts & emotions to change their patterns, yes. But if all he or she did was clear, day after day, and not share, the pattern would return. She would never have real evidence of a difference experience. He would never feel his risk rewarded by wisdom.
Knowing yourself is a terrible prerequisite to sharing yourself because there's no end to you and therefore no place to start. So we need both. Together. To clear and create. We also need community.
What you know will stay trapped until you share it. In a way, you can't know it until you share it. THIS IS CREATIVITY. If your authentic creativity wants you to share fear or shame or an idea or love, it will create a prison if you clear what’s in the way but don't share the new way.
Authenticity isn't about clearing the way. It's about being as vulnerable as fuck to the reality that you have choice. It's your choice to create from what you most need to hide.
Creativity wants you to share the truth and stop the bait and switch, to show yourself before you know yourself, and run the rarest of risks for the reward of our true love.