A Clearer Mind for a Clearer Future
Reality Checks and the Power of a Clearer Perspective
The past year has certainly been extraordinarily difficult for the vast majority of people. How did you cope with the pressures? How are you dealing with stresses and tensions today? Do you feel overwhelmed by the pressures and challenges of your daily life? Do the problems and difficulties ever mount up and threaten to sweep you away in a tidal wave of irritations and frustrations? It’s certainly easy to feel overwhelmed when life is so demanding so, in the midst of a difficult day, is there any way that we can learn to regain our balance and composure? In other words, what can we do to regain our inner peace and an essential degree of clarity?
It is good that a philosopher should remind himself now and then that he is little more than a tiny particle pontificating on infinity.
- Ariel Durant
The main recurring problem about excessive pressure is that it so easily distorts our perspective. We become overly focused on our problems and that leads us to lose contact with the wider realm of identifying and understanding what’s really possible.
One of the simplest answers to this dilemma is to seek a broader view, a shift in our perception that can jolt us out of our myopic and narrow focus and open our hearts and minds to a much broader field of view.
And one of the best places to experience this radical shift – is in the night sky.
Artists, poets, writers and philosophers and a host of other great minds have always sought inspiration in the glittering orb of the star-studded heavens. When was the last time you took a minute to turn your attention to the vastness above you? A deeper breath and a moment of contemplation - and the merest hint of the enormity of the universe dwarfs all of our pretensions and worries. Our significance melts away. The vastness of the night sky tilts our attention away from the micro-view of our worries, concerns and anxieties and opens our senses to something so incomprehensibly vast that our perception has to expand to try and accommodate the infinite.
To see a world in a grain of sand and heaven in a wild flower,
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand and eternity in an hour.
- William Blake
This is a very healthy alternative to the closed and cloistered views that characterise the conventional ways in which we usually contemplate our lives. People have described similar experiences from a deep appreciation of art, from a spectacular sunset, a walk in the forest, a breathtaking landscape or a view of our beautiful planet from the International Space Station.
The principle is simple enough: to broaden our view and learn to look at the bigger picture – and the bigger, the better! As a species, we react to the broader vista by placing our problems and potential threats and dangers into a much clearer context.
Perhaps we’re sometimes tempted to take ourselves a little too seriously. Perhaps the apparent proximity of all the challenges makes them seem far more significant than they really are. Reaching out to touch the infinite grandeur of space with some part of our minds helps to restore a sense of balance and perspective to our analytical faculties.
The indescribable beauty of the stars has enchanted humans and inspired myths and legends for thousands of years. We can touch that primeval sense of pure wonder and dispel the gloom and fear that hinders our creativity. When you smile at the vastness of the heavens, your heart soars, your imagination adjusts to try and accommodate the infinite and your creativity unfolds into new levels of expression.
Find a moment to take your mind away from the day’s challenges. Find images from space to fill your heart with wonder. Perhaps you’d like to choose a truly inspirational image as your screen saver for the day. Dwell for a few moments on the infinite and get a sense of your unfathomably small presence in the vastness of the universe. Smile. Feel the sense of freedom that flows from a simple recognition of where we are in the magnificence of the universe. Cherish this moment. And let it be the inspiration for you to live your life every day with joy and celebration in your heart.
Remember, in the vast infinity of life, all is perfect, whole and complete...and so are you.
- Louise L. Hay
There's no doubt that these are challenging and uncertain times for everyone - but you don't need to face your problems alone. And you don’t have to abandon your dreams and plans for the future. Can you imagine how helpful it would be to have an experienced navigator at your side to help you chart your course through life’s uncertain waters? We've been helping people to overcome life's difficulties for more than twenty years. Perhaps it's time for you to get the kind of support that could make a real difference to your life.
We've got the experience and the resources to help you right now.
You can contact us directly to work through our Cognitive Behavioural Empowerment Programmes on a one-to-one basis or - if you prefer - the Wellbeing Foundation Courses for Personal Growth and Transformation are now available for you in a super online format. It really couldn’t be easier to access our resources. It’s like having Greg and his Team alongside you in the comfort of your own home. And the Courses have been designed to help you work through the material at your own pace and at your own convenience. We’re here to help you:
- Master Your Stress
- Turn Up Your Energy and Turn Down Your Anxiety
- Discover How to Tap into Your Creativity
- Sleep Better and Discover How it Feels to Wake Up Feeling Refreshed
- Break Free from the Past
- Create a Brighter, happier, Healthier and More Rewarding Future for Yourself
You can contact Greg and his Team directly and explore our online courses and material via our website at:
Come and join us today and discover fresh, new ways to experience your life on a whole new level of personal happiness, enjoyment, success and fulfilment.
We’re here to help you make a positive difference to your life!
We’re the Wellness Foundation and we specialise in developing effective mindfulness programmes, greater awareness techniques and effective stress reduction courses so, if you enjoy these blogs, you can imagine how much fun it is to have Greg in the room as an inspirational and highly perceptive speaker. If you’d like to invite Greg to talk to your company or organisation or event, either in person or via the Internet, please feel free to get in touch. We’re already working with some great organisations online and we'd love to hear from you.
Greg created The Wellness Foundation and the Cognitive Empowerment Programs specifically to help people master their stress, overcome their limitations and explore the power of their true potential.