Clear Ways to Influence Action
Are you a collector of visuals that stimulate clear thinking and action? I love the way they say so much succinctly. My take-aways for a visual might differ from yours. More often, our take-aways might strengthen our shared views and collaborative spirit. This newsletter will explore a variety of visuals that can help you be a force in your organization. Our aim is to kindle cross-organizational collaboration that makes a difference for customers.
Today we're appreciating this graphic about creativity methods. Which one's your favorite?
One of my favorites is not listed here! Turn it Around was advice one of my supervisors gave me repeatedly. It's been useful to me in assessing paths I want to take. Instead of jumping on the bandwagon, I ask myself: "what if this was turned around?" This helps me see others' viewpoints, shed my defense mentality, and listen for the hidden insight. It's helped me step back from typical CX, EX, and Marketing practices, to consider what makes the most sense for customers', employees', and investors' needs. (It has even helped me win many rounds of the game called Boggle.)
I love this creativity chart because it stimulates me to take chances, raise the bar, and experiment with ways to help others.
It's All About Connecting Things is particularly useful. It helps me think of the big picture. It reminds me to respect interdependencies. It encourages appreciation of longer horizons, relationships, and synergies. Relationship-building is paramount in employee experience now. Likewise, we'd all be better off as customers and companies if CX, CS, Marketing, and Sales were first and foremost focused on relationship strength.
Now it's your turn:
Which creativity method is best toward making a difference for customers?
Author Lynn Hunsaker is founder of the Experience Value Exchange, a skill-building community for CX, CS, EX, PX & Marketing professionals to improve Ease of Work and Ease of Business. See