Clear Soul Productions fundraiser for Tent City Helpers
Want to join us in supporting a good cause? We're raising money for Tent City Helpers and your contribution will make an impact, whether you donate $5 or $500. Every little bit helps. Thank you for your support. I've included information about Tent City Helpers below.
Tent City Helpers is "getting to heart of homelessness" in Martin County, FL. We are making a difference!
NOTE from Jeff Lutes, Director, Clear Soul Productions :
ABOUT HOMELESS FOLKS & an UPDATE about our 28 year old Concert Promotions Company, CLEAR SOUL PRODUCTIONS . . .
Well folks, perhaps my BUSINESS PARTNER / COMPANION, Sandy Carl, & I are a bit foolish to publicize this article by this great organization, TENT CITY HELPERS, who have been GIVING FANTASTIC AIDE TO THE HOMELESS FOLKS OF "THE TREASURE COAST" OF S. E. FLORIDA FOR MANY YEARS NOW, also NOW DISCLOSING TO ALL OF YOU, that Sandy & I OURSELVES have been HOMELESS, since 28 January 2020 this year . . . BUT WE OWE THIS TO THE GREAT HOMELESS SOULS WHO'VE BECOME OUR WONDERFUL EXTENDED FAMILY HERE IN THE STUART - TREASURE COAST AREA OF FLORIDA! . . . Please READ & SHARE & HELP US SUPPORT THESE GREAT SOULS!!! . . . LOVE! CHEERS!!! ONWARD!!!!!!!! . . . - Jeff Lutes, Director, Clear Soul Productions (772) 626-4546 . . .
NOTE from Gail Harvey, Vice President Tent City Helpers, Treasure Coast, Florida :
It is impossible to generalize about homelessness. Each person has a unique life story. Whether medical, mental, physical, financial or addiction (please don’t judge it is a disease) anyone of us could end up being homeless or be the parent of someone homeless, or be the child of someone homeless orbbe the sibling of someone homeless. We are all related being the same species the Human Being type. Like our Tent City Helpers FB page and see the regular updates or go to if you feel the need to donate to our non-profit. Thanks ????
Clear Soul Productions fundraiser for Tent City HelpersFundraiser for Tent City Helpers
CLEAR SOUL PRODUCTIONS Stuart, Florida USA ~ Since 1991 ~