Clear the Darkness with Gratitude
Paul Melella Jr
Author of Best Seller, YOU Have Infinite Power | Co-Founder of Empowered Mastery/ premier coach for Financial Advisors and business professionals
Gratitude is an interesting emotion that is sometimes taken for granted. I know that when we wrote our book, YOU Have Infinite Power… I thought to myself… “Yeah, we got to include something with gratitude because every mentor and influencer I studied all talked about it.” Honestly, I thought it was a bunch of hokey bullshit. Then, in 2020, I felt broken when most of my external and material things, such as my home, businesses, and money, disappeared in the blink of an eye. From this broken state, I was humbled. But I felt this weird feeling like I was being so ungrateful like a baby, and I fell into the little victim mentality. I began to look at the most important things, such as my family's health; I have a beautiful, fantastic wife and children, both sets of parents alive and well. We have a roof over our heads, food and water daily, and love surrounding us. I began to go for gratitude walks and look at the little things that the world offered, and I started to feel grateful for the ability to walk, see, smell the air, and listen to the birds in the morning. Whatever little things I took for granted. The hokey gratitude bullshit shifted my vibrational frequency, and I was able to see what I wanted for our future. My gratitude became like a flashlight that shined in my darkness.?
This gratitude made me apparent, and I could see the future of what I wanted. Most of us tend to be in a negative state of darkness, leading to cloudiness, which leads to uncertainty, fear, anxiety, and doubt. These emotions and negative vibrational frequencies will never allow us to become victorious. The clarity from gratitude triggers certainty and confidence, and, most importantly, we become excited about the vision and new outcome of what we want. When we get excited for what we want, this emotion is what trains our sub conscious mind to take new action and shifts behavior leading us to get new results that we want.?