Clear Cache for Me
M. Kawish Abbasi
Production Lead | Head of Development | Full-Stack CMS Web Developer | Brand Specialist | at Steller’s
W3 Total Cache and WP Super Cache are great caching plugins, but they do not know when a widget is updated. WPEngine is the best place to host your WordPress installation, but their caching system is no smarter when it comes to updating widgets and menus. I created this plugin because my website did not see any changes when saving widgets or menus using these caching systems. Clear Cache For Me will purge ALL your cache each time you do a save without having to press an additional button. It may be overkill, which may be why it’s not built in, but some people need simplicity.
In addition to clearing those pesky caching engines, Clear Cache for Me can force your browser to reload your current theme’s CSS and JS files. I modify my theme’s CSS and JS files every so often and always have trouble with the browser not getting the latest version. So now after clicking on the “Clear Cache Now!” button on the dashboard the browser will be forced to reload the current theme’s CSS and JS files. If you do not click the “Clear Cache Now!” button, the browser will cache the CSS and JS files like it normally does.
The popular Qode themes has a options to set your own custom CSS and JS. Sometimes you may not see your changes for a long while because your browser is trying to get the cached file. Whenever you save your Qode’s options, the CSS and JS files will be forced to reload in the browser on the public side.
Works with the following caching plugins:
Clears all cache for following actions (requires a caching system above to be active):