Cleansing Your Presence Of Now...
Arroe Collins
Influencer. Movies, books, television and Podcasting. 1.6 million strong. Mobile DJ LA
A quote fell from the nib of my writing instrument this morning, "For the purpose will feed each generation beyond where we are even though we still feel blind." Think about that. Take it beyond judging a book by its cover. "For the purpose will feed each generation beyond where we are even though we still feel blind." Where we presently stand we're choosing to allow the power of the internet and other content makers to get into our systems of belief and survival and in everything we've allowed to be accepted, although not one person on this planet has an answer or a way from the Coronavirus. We are blind and in this moment. We are affecting and infecting each generation beyond us. "For the purpose will feed each generation beyond where we are even though we still feel blind." I don't watch the news anymore. It's not journalism its interpretations. Even the experts are putting out there a view that's come to them. This is how they see it. There are so many puzzle pieces that it reminds me of a huge box my mother used to store our puzzles but not a single picture was every truly snapped together. The boxes tear and drop a piece there and over there and eventually all the puzzles in the box are in the middle of nowhere. "For the purpose will feed each generation beyond where we are even though we still feel blind." Our personal GPS systems controlling the way we are acting and reacting are telling us to take a left at the next road. When we arrive there's not even a path. We keep going only to hear the GPS shout for us to do a U-turn. And we do. When we get back to the next road it still doesn't exist. "For the purpose will feed each generation beyond where we are even though we still feel blind."