Cleaning workstation checklist
Are you moving back to the office anytime soon? If you are planning to move your working from home, even partly, back to office premises, perhaps even just on a rota-basis with employees and colleagues, you may want to think about establishing good workstation cleaning habits for your team.
With regular washing of hands and cleaning regimes playing such a large part in keeping us safe from coronavirus, it makes sense to keep our personal workstation and equipment as germ-free as possible; even if you are continuing to work from home. So, set yourself up with the equipment you need, in our handy checklist, and get your routine going of a regular, thorough cleaning and sanitising regime
Cleaning checklist:
Where to clean
The?government guidance relating to cleaning non-healthcare settings?contains further guidance on what PPE is necessary to wear for cleaning and further areas to clean, such as stairwells. It’s a good idea to print out the guidance, or this checklist, and keep it nearby for colleagues to refer to. Cleaning is everyone’s responsibility and it will help you significantly if all of your employees and colleagues play their part.
It’s all about establishing the good habits now, as a team, that will go on to protect you and your workforce and keep you healthily and happily working, from whichever premises you choose to use.