Cleaning up the 'Net - An action plan to combat the use and abuse of the internet for financial crime.
Nigel Morris-Cotterill
Financial Crime Risk specialist. Author "SAFE WORD: NO" "How not to be a money launderer", "Understanding Suspicion in Financial Crime", "Cleaning up the 'Net", "Trade Based Financial Crime". Consult: Teach: Inform.
We are where we are, but that is rarely where we should be.
If we started afresh, if we redefined the pathways we took at the beginning, how much better we could make things now we can apply hindsight.
We could plan a holistic approach instead of piecemeal development, we could reduce complexity and uncertainty which would reduce stresses and both direct and indirect costs of doing business.
If we just said "this is where we should be" we could make things much better.
Those who are most successful in business are often successful because they re-invent something with the lessons that have been learned from the mistakes of others.
So far, internet development has been like herds of animals lumbering along, until eventually, they jump off a cliff or into a fast flowing river.
We, the first generation of the internet society, are on that cliff or riverbank.
I don't want to be like a lemming jumping or a bison being swept away. I want to to say "we need to go back to where we started. Refine our objectives and find a better route. "
This book is my better route. Some of it will be tough. A lot of egos and self interests will be bruised. But today, the internet is far too important to be left to self-appointed groups protecting their own turf. Today, the internet drives us, protects us and puts us at risk. Everyone, from those who consider themselves the leader of the free world to the poorest farmer scratching a living in an arid landscape depends directly or indirectly on the internet.
We need to make it better.
Further information, Q&A with the author and how to order : click Cleaning up the 'net
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