Cleaning for the Corona Virus (COVID 19)
Vacation Rentals / Hotels / Homes
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Cleaning Hard Services
- Surfaces in which COVID 19 have an Extended Life
- EPA Certified Disinfectants
- Cleaning Equipment, Tools & Wiping Products
- Protecting Yourself While Cleaning (and More)
- Methods of Disinfecting and Avoiding Cross Contamination
- Disinfect “High Touch / High Traffic” Areas and objects
- Creating Your Own Disinfectant When Supplies Are Short
- Dishwashers & Laundry Machine Settings
11. Specific Areas in the Vacation Rental, Hotel & Home that Need to be Disinfected
- Kitchens
- Bathroom
- Bedrooms
- Game Rooms
- Common Areas
- Outdoors
- Vacation Rental / Hotel Considerations
End Table of Contents
- Introduction
With the COVID 19 virus moving rapidly around the globe, cleaning and disinfecting homes, vacation rentals and hotels is critical.
Homeowners and professional cleaners are able to stop “the spread” of the virus through the use of EPA approved disinfectants and proper cleaning procedure.
This bulletin is a collection of accepted disinfectants, cleaning procedure, typical high traffic areas from which the virus can spread how to avoid cross-contamination, surfaces on which the virus can live for extended periods and protective gear available. It also serves to nullify misinformation about what is NOT effective.
In order to properly disinfect any “hard surface” an EPA approved disinfectant should be sprayed and remain “wet” with that disinfectant for 4 minutes before wiping; “S” wiping can avoid cross contamination.
Richard B Evans
2. Cleaning Hard Surfaces
Cleaning a hard surface differs from disinfecting a hard surface. Cleaning a hard surface removes some germs and dirt. Disinfecting a hard surface kills germs and viruses.
A. Clean First – use soap and water to clean hard surfaces before disinfecting.
B. Disinfect Last – use an EPA registered and approved disinfectant.
Spray / Coat the hard surface with the disinfectant. That hard surface should stay “wet” with disinfectant for 4 minutes before wiping it off.
C. Use an “S” shaped wiping pattern to avoid re-contaminating parts of it.
D. We recommend using clean paper towels to wipe the hard surface clean. A micro-fiber cloth can also be used (but should be frequently cleaned with soap and water).
E. Clean all “high-touch” surfaces using a disinfectant in the manner described. (See Chapter 7 – High Touch Areas).
3. Surfaces in which COVID-19 have an Extended Life
a. Glass, Plastics & Stainless Steel.
- COVID 19 can live on these materials for 3 days to a week.
- Cardboard – COVID 19 can live on cardboard for 24 hours.
e. Refrigerator and Freezer
- COVID – 19 can live in the freezer for 2 years.
- COVID 19 can live in the refrigerator for 72 hours
4. EPA Certified Disinfectants
Most disinfectants have a label that lists the viruses they are effective against.
View the list
Commonly found disinfectants:
a. Purell, Clorox, Lysol and store brands.
b. Hydrogen peroxide.
Vinegar IS NOT a bonafide disinfectant.
5. Cleaning Equipment, Tools & Wiping Products
a. Paper Towels (recommended)
b. Micro-Fiber Clothes
- Wash frequently in hot water and soap.
c. EPA approved & registered sprays, wipes and liquids
d. Spray Bottles/Applicators
- Keep cleaning bottles clean. Wash them frequently.
e. Mop & Bucket
- Pine-sol *, Fabuloso **, etc.
f. Electro Static Applicator – optional
- This is a sprayer that coats hard surfaces
- * Original Pine-Sol? Multi-Surface Cleaner is registered with the EPA as a disinfectant when used as directed full strength.
- ** Fabuloso IS a disinfectant. It has a wide range of uses from laundry, to mopping, to sanitizing.
6. Protecting Yourself While Cleaning (and more)
a. Face Masks
Despite that face masks are not recommended by “experts’ for reasons that will be briefly discussed below they serve as a mechanism that reminds the wearer not to touch his/her face (i.e. eyes, nose, and mouth).
Surgical and store bought masks are not effective against COVID 19. They are loosely fit and store bought masks do not protect against the microscopic droplets that transfer the virus from passing through to the wearer.
N 95 Masks are not recommended to use outside a medical facilities as they must be (1) fitted for the wearer and sealed (2) they are uncomfortable and (3) the supply is limited.
If correctly fitted N 95 masks are effective in safeguarding the wearer against COVID 19.
b. Gloves
Doctors warn that “disposable gloves” do not protect against COVID 19.
These latex gloves frequently rip and are not durable.
Further, the virus does not pass to the wearer through the hands. COVID 19 infects the wearer if he/she touches his/her face while wearing the gloves (i.e. nose, mouth, eyes).
Surgical gloves - can help protect you from the corona virus by allowing you to use public facilities without your hands coming into contact with potential contamination.
c. Food and Snacks
According to the FDA there is NO evidence to suggest that food or food packaging can transmit COVID 19. Therefore there is no need to disinfect food or food packaging.
NOTE: respiratory viruses do not tend to reproduce in the digestive tract.
d. Delivered Packages
While mail and packages are relatively low risk in transmitting COVID 19; researchers have found that the virus can live on cardboard for about 24 hours. Give packages a disinfecting wipe/spray before handling.
7. Methods of Disinfecting and Avoiding Cross Contamination
a. Use EPA registered / approved disinfectant sprays, wipes and liquids.
b. Thoroughly and frequently wash cleaning cloths with hot water and soap. Use paper towels when possible to wipe down surfaces.
c. First wash surfaces with soap and water and next use disinfectant to coat hard surfaces.
d. Spray hard surfaces and leave in “wet” state for 4 minutes before wiping clean.
e. Use the “S” method of wiping down hard surfaces.
f. Use the hottest setting dishwasher will allow.
g. Use the hottest setting laundry washer/dryer will allow.
h. Space between People; Observe the 6 foot rule between other cleaners or people.
i. Cover your mouth in your sleeve (between elbow and inner elbow area) when sneezing.
j. Carry travel packs of tissues.
k. Use EPA registered / approved disinfectant aerosol sprays.
l. Computers – avoid using disinfecting wipes on the screen. Instead use an isopropyl alcohol (70 percent solution) and a soft towel. Also DO NOT use glass cleaner, ammonia, hydrogen peroxide, and bleach or makeup remover.
Cell phones and tablet – Use a disinfecting wipe or alcohol solution (at least 70%). Remove the case and clean.
8. Disinfect “High Touch” Areas and objects
a. Keys and/or plastic entrance cards to unlock doors.
b. Key pads on front doors used for entrance.
c. Gate latches.
d. Refrigerator, Microwave, Coffee maker, Toaster, Blenders, etc.
e. Vacation Rentals: throw away all previously used condiments.
f. Silverware, blocked knives, cooking utensils, glasses, dishes, cups and containers.
g. Remotes; for TV, garage, game controllers,
h. Light switches
i. Bathroom door knobs
j. Desk and table surfaces
k. Hard dining room chairs (i.e. seat, back and arms).
l. Bathroom counters, facets, shower liners, toilet seats and handle, mirrored cabinets.
m. Music system electronics, pool table paddles, ping pong rackets.
n. Computer equipment, I-pads, mouse pads, game controllers, etc.
9. Creating Your Own Disinfectant When Supplies Are Short
If store supplies are depleted the CDS recommends a recipe for a homemade cleaner solution using household bleach (below).
- 4 teaspoons household bleach.
- 1 quart water
- Pour both into a one quart spray bottle and shake vigorously.
- Spray on surface to disinfect, let sit for 10 minutes, wipe away with wet cloth.
When using bleach be careful; (a) it can discolor some surfaces (b) it can damage some surfaces (c) wear gloves (d) open windows and (e) be careful.
10. Dishwashers & Laundry Machine Settings
a. Dishwasher (sanitizer setting – usually 155 degrees Fahrenheit)
- Use regular dishwasher soap.
- Set dishwasher at highest temperature setting.
b. Laundry washer & dryer
- Use regular laundry soap.
- Set dryer to slightly higher temperature.
- Disinfect surfaces the dirty laundry comes into contact with.
- Disinfect the hamper.
- Wash hands thoroughly after handling dirty laundry.
11. Specific Areas in the Vacation Rental, Hotel & Home that Need to be Disinfected
a. Kitchens
- Equipment handles
- Drawer handles.
- Hood switches
- All equipment
- All glasses, dishes, silver, cups, pots & pans
- All tools and utensils.
- Sanitize all garbage cans.
- Kitchen cupboards
- Opened pantry closet jars and bottles.
- Liquor bottles.
- Light and other switches
b. Bathroom
- All faucets, toilet handles and bowl.
- Shower door handles and glass.
- Shower curtain liner.
- Drawer handles.
- Light/lamp switches Use bleach on tubs, shower floors & walls.
c. Bedrooms
- All sheets and linens.
- Disinfect all tables, desks, chairs.
- Drawer handles.
- Light/lamp switches.
d. Game Rooms/ Gym / Sauna / Steam Room
- Remotes and game apparatus.
- Music equipment.
- Paddles, pool balls, pool sticks, games, game machines.
- Disinfect saunas, steam rooms, etc.
- Light/lamp switches Gym equipment.
- Control switches.
e. Common Areas
- Aerosols spray disinfectant.
- Non cloth chair arms.
- Tables.
- Disinfect / wipe down all sliding glass door latches/handles.
- Used books.
- Curtain wands.
- Board games.
- Drawer handles.
- Light/lamp switches.
f. Laundry Room
- Warm settings on washer / dryer.
- Thoroughly dry all towels & linens on “hot” settings; completely dry.
- Do not shake towels & linens to reduce risk of contaminating other surfaces.
- Wipe down and disinfect all machines.
- Leaver laundry machine door opened.
- Drawer and cabinet handles.
g. Outdoors
- Chair arm rests.
- Remotes.
- Barbecues.
- Barbecue tools.
- Games (i.e. ping pong, pool, etc.)
- Light/lamp switches.
- Hot tubs.
- Gate latches.
h. Vacation Rental / Hotel Considerations
- Lost and found items.
- Keys and remotes.
- Instructional iPads.
- Drawer handles.
- Cash tips left.
- Light/lamp switches Barbecues.
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