The Clean Water Act is in Danger of being Repealed

As soon as this afternoon, Donald Trump is expected to repeal the EPA’s Clean Water Rule, making it easier for polluters to dump their waste in our waterways. Sources say this will be his first step towards gutting the Clean Water Act itself and the 44 years of water protections that go with it.  

Trump and EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt are hoping this decision flies under the radar. With Russia and healthcare dominating the news, there’s a very real chance they might succeed.

By repealing the Clean Water Rule, Trump will once again put polluter profits ahead of the needs of our communities, businesses, and environment. This is an assault on basic protections for clean water and a massive waste of time and taxpayer money that puts millions at risk.

Children, elderly, and low income and communities of color are already disproportionately impacted by contaminated water. The Flint water crisis is just one example of what happens when our governments prioritize money instead of public health. This administration should be focusing on what actions they can take to ensure all communities have access to safe, clean drinking water — not just padding polluter profits.

However, the Clean Water Rule cannot be repealed without public input. As soon as the comment period opens we need to flood the EPA with our input. We need members of Congress and businesses speaking out. We need citizens across this country demanding their elected officials fight for our right to clean water.

Few things are more fundamental to our health than the water we drink. 


