A clean reflection & the return to Peace
Many years ago I met a ‘clean reflection’. A master who has moved beyond believing he is the human forms; body, emotion and mind, instead knowing he is the consciousness where these forms arises within,
It was the strangest experience.
Nothing was “normal” in his world and in his reflection. I would be what I thought was “me”. I was so used to this “little me”. I knew exactly how to present her in order to get desired results… it had worked for 45 years, almost without exception… even though I had never thought about it in these terms.
Not any longer, not in this reality.
Everything I put out – physical actions, words or emotions - would just bounce back to me - unchanged - just as I had put them out.
Somehow I knew, with a deep inner knowing, that I was seeing Me, through the reflection of this man. It was never spoken, but I knew.
I had been deeply submerged with spiritual and metaphysical teachers for years and was well aware that I create my own reality and that the world around us is a reflection of that which we are internally. This however, was very different.
I was used to perceiving this outpouring of energy from the people I met, some pretty stable and clear, others a hurricane of mixed emotions. But this man was like nothing else I had come across… there was “nothing” there, just a steady peaceful “nothingness”, with an outpouring of exquisite love.
It was incredibly enticing and deeply disturbing to be in his presence.
Seeing this little me reflected constantly was a shocking experience…. I saw strategies I didn’t know I had. I saw my fears, self-doubt, manipulations, selfishness… you name it, I got to face it.
But I also saw my love, power, compassion, flexibility, passion, creativity and much more… an endless well of gifts and possibilities.
It was incredibly enticing and deeply disturbing to be aware in my own presence.
Life became repeating cycles of growing awareness, leading to clarity, reclaiming my personal power and transforming my Self, the little me, over and over. A constant whirlwind of change, where peace could only be found in the center of this hurricane.
Wait… there is peace in the center?
Something started to emerge in the center of my being. Well, actually… it was clear that “it” had always been there… but the little me had never paid attention before. Now there was no denying this presence. An inner sense of peace was making itself know, quietly vibrating at the core of my being. The “big I” was now known with my conscious awareness.
Life lived from this sense of peace, the big I, was intensely different from a life based on the little me. The peace, the nothingness was at the core of everything and at the same time “holding” everything… a force moving inside and around me… one big body of energy connecting us all.
The flow of life itself became the driver of this human form called Eva Charlotte
This force has it’s own natural flow and when I move with that flow life is easy and effortless. Of course there are still challenges, but they never touch that inner peace. None of my usual concerns have any meaning, nothing really matters… it brings an easy acceptance of what IS in the moment… and then there is Peace, Love and Joy.
Then a new hurricane arrived, it was like nothing I had ever experienced, with a power that knocked me right out of that centered and peaceful place that I thought I would stay in forever. It forced me to go to depths I didn’t know I had the ability to go to. Ultimately returning me to that centered and peaceful place… but that my friends, is a story for another day.