Clean Power for Clean Power Generation
Wind turbines are giant power production machines and like most machines, they require maintenance. Maintenance hundreds of feet in the air in the middle of the ocean is dangerous and expensive work so wind turbine manufacturers need to optimize their systems for the highest reliability possible.
A Critical component of wind turbines is a blade pitch system that rotates each blade to increase or decrease the speed of the wind turbine. With wind speeds constanty changing it is important to have reliable power to the blad pitch system so that the power output of the turbine doesn't destroy the system and the rotor blades can increase speed or start up when winds are low.
Ultracapacitors provide a large burst of power to move the blades, something that may only take a few seconds. These types of burst power applications are what Ultracapacitors were designed for. They have low maintenance requirements, extremely long life, high cycle count and a wide temperature operating rang. They are also extremely environmentally friendly, just like the power wind turbines generate.