The Clean Energy Factor as a Switch
As we head into the Fall, lower demand will mean higher curtailment. This leads to the phenomenon of awesomely clean energy. On Sunday, wind power was cranking overnight and waning when the State's solar resources turned on at 7am. The Clean Energy Factor (CEF) jumped from 35 to 130 over the period of two hours. This is the optimum time to switch on battery storage, electric vehicle charging, appliances, and pool pumps; all technologies that can be easily integrated with the CEF API. Next month we'll see much greater daily variation in the CEF as thermal resources drop rapidly when the sun rises. Don't miss the opportunity to capitalize on this frequently occurring natural event.
Companies that offer an enabling smart home technology can license our API to extend the offer of clean energy as a service. As we switch from turning off devices at the worst hours of the day to turning things on when energy is cleaner, the CEF can be programmed as a switch for energy consumers. The offer of cleaner energy decreases customer acquisition costs for residential demand response programs- it's not always about money.
For consumers wishing to maintain personal control, the clean energy information can be relayed to the consumer as a 24-hour chart image, or as a link to our real-time API. In this manner, people realize their goals of using cleaner energy, which is reflected in their smart meter data, and can be reported to them at the end of the month in a normative fashion. The CEF is the building block of switching to cleaner energy today. For more information, contact [email protected] for a free trial.