Clean Code-Be a good programmer
This is a very recommended book called Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship.
It is a mandatory book to read as a good software developer. This will help you to write better code with good code quality.
Learn how to write good code snippet is the key to be a good software developer.
What is Good Code VS Bad Code
In the book, it has details that you practice in your development and coding implementation.
You can use the principle described there to apply to your code design and implementaion.
Generally speaking, you do not need so much fancy design patterns(23 GOF), Just use the native coding written pattern can help you to write pretty and clean code as well. This is more Clean code book about.
I will highly recommend if you start to read the book, you also need to start to apply the pattern describe there into you daily coding and implementation. For example, Chapter 2,Chapter 3 and Chapter 4.
At the start, It can be slow. But after a certain period, you will be the pro of the clean code. Gradually you can start to keep these patterns/principles in your head, you will be more nature to have them ready to apply into you code design and implementation.
It is a book with full magic power. You should read each chapters and also better read through it multiples. As you read it more, you will start to remind yourself to use pattern in your daily development.
Each of the chapters are very worth to read as well. It is not only teach you how to write good code, also teach you how to design your code, design your component etc.
When you have familiar of each individual patterns, you will be ready to write your own coding standard.
When you start to apply all patterns/principles described in the book, you will start to feel the power of it. Based on your existing project code, it will definitly help you add new functionality easier and smooth to add your new component coding as well.
THis is what we were talking about maintainability and extensibility.
Most importantly you will start to see less and less defects detected in your code as well.
This improved your code quality.
I will also start to see less issues founded during the code review process with your colleague as well.
You will find out the true fun of writing code.
Look at the pretty code you have written, you can feel it. Can you? :)
To read the book , it will help you to understand
1. No more comments is the key criteria of Good Code.
2. No more documentation is the key criteria of Good Product.