Do God Exist?
Very precious read
Nobody seen #God, give one example of someone who see God. Of God is taking care of you - why rape, murder is happening?Why #Covid spread - NOTHING, so God is fake character. Science has not proved God. So it can't be true. All #Godman are fake, they are just minting money, making cult, brainwashing people - haven't you seen them in helicopters, private jet. Insn't it? All #Atheists say this.
You considered #Krishna as God? What a foolishness - He cheated on name of Ashwathama! How many wives #Krishna has 16,000 - were he man dipped in pleasure or God? Also if he is so powerful why he is not stopped Mahabharat war which killed 400 crore people.
Better convert to Christinaity - Lord Jesus, crusified for your sins - convert to Islam as Allah is the only truth. Not army of Gods, like Hindu's falsely believe.
Someone asked me - if angel exist, then do devil also? Such people are very near to it. What atheist want - you drop all faith and suffer life long like they do. Convertor want you to abuse Hindu for prosperity of their religion.
Getting a slight influenced by these personalities means you are clean bold on 99. In Snack and ladder, there is biggest snack at 99. It eats and make your spiritual growth at lowest of the lowest level. So don't argue, conflict them agree Yes and move on. They are not losing anything - you will lose everything and will be depressed like many atheist are. See the output - How many enlightened masters (fully evolved soul) world's biggest religions has - almost zero. How many enlightened masters Hindus has - thousands. So Hindu is most precious religion. It has most refined, timeless wisdom which can enlighten the whole world.
Logic can prove or disprove anything. Whatever they said is totally, totally crap - it has not an iota of truth.
You can't even breath without God. The energy behind breath which is keeping you alive is God. Science explain almost fully, but there is some grey area that says why even after ventilator - someone is not putting breath inside body and die! Similarly there is gray area in how speech is produced! 90% of our automated body function is run by God. God is that intimate that close to us. Argument to not see God is like you can't see air - so stop breathing! Further,
Their lobbying is so strong - We Indians read in history - About muslim invaders like #Aurangzeb - Is he divine figure or devil figure? He destroyed 80% of ancient wisdom which is preserved by our saints for thousands of years, destroyed thousands of Hindu temples. He passed convert to Islam bill, he taxed hindu. So much conversion happened then - most of the muslims present in India, Pakistan and Afghanistan have hindu ancestors! Don't we think #MaharanaPratap, #ShivajiMaharaj, #JhanshiKiRani, #Chanakya, #AdiShankaracharya should replace them? So much shout on Mughal emperor chapter reduction right now. Utter Shame!
It is not only their mistake - it is our mistake. Like God krishna took responsibility of 16000 wives saved from demon Narkasura and prevented them from suicide - what a big sacrifice. Furher reading . We feel so difficulty in running family of 4. He took responsibility of 16000+. God krishna tried to stop Mahabharata war 3 times. Even God Krishna conivnced Pandvas and asked Duryodhana to give just 5 villages. But Duryodhana refused! Similarly Krishna never lied - he said Ashwathama is Killed. That is truth when elephant with similar name died. It is use of skills. In war if someone coming with a sword - putting neck ahead is foolishness. He froze time and given complete Bhagvad Geeta in the war field! Who can be bigger God than him?
Similarly someone created #Covid and thrown to humanity, someone doing rape or killing people. Is human responsible for it or God? We throw our blame to God! It is like I do all the mistakes and will blame God. After all God created us - boss! infants don't kill people. God made us innocent, given us intellect to judge right and wrong. Some gone into other direction don't mean its done by God. God has its own justice system and warned by so many scripture - It is called #Karma.
Now come to Godman is fake or not. God Buddha took whole lifetime to get #Enlightenment. Others who practiced many lifetimes without Guru haven't got anything. #Ashtavakara made King Janaka enlightened just by some phrases - this is the power of Godman - Spiritual master or Guru. Similarly Sage Vashisht made 14 year old Lord Rama enlightened just by having conversation in few days!
I myself attained bliss - Samadhi state without doing tapa for decades. So easily with help of my master! Even if you have to sacrifice whole world for some moments of bliss it is worthy!
So if you are not joining top spiritual organization like Art of Living - run by His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar - Who recited Bhagvad Geeta at age of 4 ; who made mediation successful by having a signed letter for Muslim board on Ayodhya which nobody able to! Who brought to planet most powerful process in thousands of year on earth - #SudarshanKriya; or the one who bring intuition process by which some children who are blind from childhood can see; is very sorry state! It is not necessary that #SudarshanChakra should be always used to kill devil in us, #SudarshanKriya can also do this job, cleanly. Promoting Yoga, Meditation or Ayurveda and giving employment in thousands by building business around is - bad? I think it is very wise decision.
We have very wrong understanding of no desire - We think no desire means begging. Ask beggar? are they contented? Contentment comes from fulfilness. So its foolishness to say someone enlightened should suffer by living poor pathetic lifestyle. Further in US, Sri Sri lived in storage section that we have in wall. He can't even sit straight - he was in so much pain; but he thought that spreading that wisdom is so important for people. He spend many days like this!
It is responsibility for all religions to stop declining market share of Hinduism.
If hinduism is gone all the wisdom from world will disappear. There will be truly dark age - nobody will reach to enlightenment results into suffering till eternity. Thousands of Saints sacrificed lives to prevent that wisdom and made it reach us. Its our moral responsibilty to absorb that and pass it to our next generations.