CLCI spring newsletter 2023
Coalition for Life Course Immunisation
Vaccination throughout life helps prevent disease and promotes health, building population resilience.
CLCI launches Pneumococcal Vaccination Atlas
Back in January, CLCI launched the Pneumococcal Vaccination Atlas in partnership with the International Longevity Centre - UK (ILC). The Atlas is a bespoke data source showcasing pneumococcal vaccination coverage, recommendations, and reimbursement across 42 European countries. During an event held in Brussels on 24 January 2023, CLCI and ILC held a roundtable discussion with academics, charity leaders, and policymakers to showcase the new website. Since its inception, a number of updates have been made. To keep up to date with changes to the Atlas, subscribe to our mailing list.
CLCI says farewell to its Coordinator
CLCI is saying goodbye to its current Coordinator, Patrick Swain. Patrick has worked for CLCI through a secondment from ILC since November 2021, and will be joining Leukaemia UK as their Policy & Advocacy Manager at the end of March 2023. We would like to say thank you to Patrick for all his help with CLCI's work over the past 16 months and wish him the best of luck with his new role. Please continue to email [email protected] with any queries in the meantime.
CLCI welcomes new Research and Policy Coordinator
As Patrick departs, CLCI welcomes Sandra Evans as its new Research and Policy Coordinator. Sandra will be taking over from 1 April until the end of the year. Sandra has worked with us since 2017 when she helped us draft our first Life Course Approach to Vaccination report and workshop at European Health Forum Gastein. She has also written our position papers, reported on the World Leadership Dialogue session we hosted at the 2020 WCPH and written our publication in Vaccines. As well as her deep knowledge of our organisation and it’s mission, she brings her experience of working with global health communications agencies, pharma and community social enterprise. Sandra looks forward to reaching out to you when she starts in April.
New project explores older European adults' understanding of shingles and shingles vaccination
In partnership with the ILC Europe Network and the International Longevity Centre - UK , CLCI is undertaking a programme, titled Painfully unaware, of work looking at older adults' understanding of shingles and shingles vaccination in nine European countries. While the pandemic has helped to raise awareness about life course vaccines and seasonal vaccination such as flu, complacency remains with other routine immunisations. One UK study found that older adults are almost 50% more likely to say that they will get a flu vaccine than a shingles vaccine during the year. This is despite that shingles-associated mortality increases with age.
Balmis Institute of Vaccines addresses issues associated with shingles at the 8th Navarre Vaccine Conference
During Shingles Awareness Week, the Instituto Balmis de Vacunas discussed the topic of shingles and shingles vaccination with medical professionals from the Navarre Health Service. Balmis highlighted that 1 in 4 women and 1in 5 men over the age of 50 will suffer from at least one episode of herpes zoster (shingles) in their lifetime.
Disease X: Can the next pandemic vaccine be developed in 100 days?
Disease X is the placeholder name given to a hypothetical new human disease with the potential to trigger a pandemic. The concept was developed by the World Health Organization in 2018 as a way to plan and prepare for viral threats. A new form of influenza, a novel coronavirus, a mutated measles-like virus ? there was no way of knowing for sure where the threat would come from, but the response would be similar.
President Macron approves vaccination campaign against HPV in French middle schools
French President, Emmanuel Macron, has announced the launch of a vaccination campaign against human papillomavirus (HPV) in middle schools from 5th grade that will start in September. Vaccination will be free and will be offered to boys and girls.
European Parliament establishes new Public Health subcommittee
Under the committee on the environment, public health and food safety (ENVI), the European Parliament has established a new Public Health subcommittee. The subcommittee will comprise 30 members (see nominated MEPs here) and will deal with programmes and specific actions in the field of public health, pharmaceutical and cosmetic products, health aspects of bioterrorism, the European Medicines Agency, and the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. The ENVI committee remains responsible for examining and voting on legislative proposals. CLCI looks forward to working with the newly-established subcommittee on matters relating to vaccination and life course immunisation.
FEAM-KNAW symposium on adult vaccination and vaccine hesitancy
Date: Monday, 20 March 2023 | Time: 19:00-21:00 | Location: Amsterdam / Zoom
Join the Federation of European Academies of Medicine (FEAM) and the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) for a discussion on adult vaccination and vaccine hesitancy.
17th European Patients’ Rights Day - Advance Therapies Medicinal Products in Europe: combining sustainability, innovation and respect for patients' rights
Date: Wednesday, 26 April 2023 | Time: 15:00-17:00 | Location: Brussels
This year, Cittadinanzattiva APS (Active Citizenship Network) will celebrate the 17th edition of European Patients' Rights Day with a conference that will be held at the European Parliament in Brussels. The 2023 edition will focus on advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMPs), with the aim of sharing best practices among stakeholders at the European level.