Clay’s Weekly Medicaid RoundUp: Week of October 7th, 2019

Clay’s Weekly Medicaid RoundUp: Week of October 7th, 2019

Soundtrack for today’s RoundUp pessimist readers- (this video from 1973 is amazing; and these guys are still touring)

For optimist readers-

SUE TO GET RATES YOU WANT (WHERE DO I SIGN UP FOR THIS DEAL?)- Alaska “providers” (hospitals and nursing homes, for those fooled by this label. It ain’t Doc Brown making house calls) successfully used the judiciary to keep their pay rates above the law. The law being the process used to govern budgets in the state, including cuts. See, The Good Guvn’r Dunleavy vetoed (that’s a legal power executives have) about $50M in state Medicaid spending. So, the agency has to enact those cuts. Well, “providers” whose revenue streams depend on those Medicaid funds didn’t like it and got a judge to undo the legal process. I think I’ve seen this movie before, but in a different theater…

IOWA STILL LOOKING FOR 3RD MCO- In case you missed it United submitted its Dear John letter earlier this year. The Medicaid Director commented this week on plans to issue an RFP for a replacement MCO, but no timetable is in place yet.

NH AND FEDS AT ODDS OVER SCHOOL BASED MEDICAID PROGRAM- The Good Guvn’r of The Granite State sent a re-assuring letter to school superintendents late September...



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