Clay pipes for Cluj
First day

Clay pipes for Cluj

The Water Company of Cluj, had to replace an old pipe that had a failure. Part of the street collapsed under the garbage car due to infiltration.

Late 2017, the Water Company issued a public tender with its own funds for the rehabilitation of a DN1000mm sewerage collector in Septimiu Albinii Street in Cluj-Napoca, seriously damaged when the soil drained under the weight of the cars. The special aspect of this project was that the collector has to be installed in a heavy traffic street. Following static calculations, the design office of the Water Company has concluded that the best solution is the use of vitrified clay pipes.

On October 30, 2017, the project entered into operation; using 200m, vitrified clay pipes DN1000mm of Steinzeug-Keramo through open excavation.

By installing the vitrified clay pipes, the Water Company is confident that many generations from now on will no longer intervene on this sewerage section. Well invested local money!


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