Clay Brodie steps up in Woollahra
IN exciting news for one of Ray White’s fastest growing businesses, young gun agent Clay Brodie is moving up to become the director of sales at Ray White Woollahra.
Mr Brodie, who has been an agent for nine years focusing on the eastern suburbs since day one but angling in on Woollahra and Paddington for the majority, has been working with director Randall Kemp for eight of these nine years.
“I was there the day Ray White Woollahra was born. I am super excited about the opportunity and what is the next step in my career,” said the former professional rugby player.
“I am excited to bring in new ideas and processes that will enhance the success that has already been achieved by Ray White Woollahra.
“I am so keen to stand alongside and work with Randall Kemp on our business to not only re-enforce but also accelerate the amazing things he has created and achieved for the office since he opened the doors.
“I look forward to helping the agents we currently have in the office but also to speaking with other aspiring agents thinking about joining the best office in the business.”
Mr Brodie said he loves the day to day challenges that the industry throws at agents and the freedom for the individual to think outside the box to overcome challenges.
“I also love that it is an industry that rewards the people who put in the hard work. If you are willing to work hard and push the boundaries day in day out you will benefit from the rewards whether they are financial by the way of commission or as simple as having the freedom to spend more time with your family or even go on a holiday,” he said.
Mr Kemp said that with Clay Brodie on board they will attract the right people for their team and office culture.
“I am extremely excited for Clay to move into this new role, allowing him to focus on team growth. There are young up and coming agents that need the right mentoring and we definitely have the right team that can build successful agents,” he said.
Mr Kemp’s vision for the future was to continue to increase the office’s current momentum and success by way of growth.
“Not only do we want to bring in great like minded people that are looking to join our team but also develop our current agents and create an environment that they can prosper and succeed in,” he said.
“We are in the process of creating a future elite program within our office to ensure that any agents within or new to our office continue to get the support they need to get to the top.
“We want to create an office culture that allows every staff member to love coming to work and to perform at the best of their ability everyday.”
Ray White NSW Blue chief executive officer Jason Andrew said he was delighted to see one of the fastest growing businesses in the network moving ahead in leaps and bounds.
“We aim to create the best platform for all our members to thrive and strive for growth. No doubt in my mind that together – Randall and Clay – will continue to deliver the highest level of customer service for their clients and their business will keep growing exponentially.I look forward to supporting their ambitions into the future.”