Claude Examines Superconductivity Claims: Generative AI Use-Case POC
Screengrab of my conversation with Claude

Claude Examines Superconductivity Claims: Generative AI Use-Case POC

Have you heard about the sensational claims from a team of Korean scientists that a room-temperature superconductor was achieved by creating a new material called LK-99? Like practical fusion reactors that produce more energy than they consume, the quest for room-temperature superconductivity seeks one of the holiest of scientific grails, forever just out of reach (although, it should be noted that recent advancements are very promising for fusion). Without getting lost in the details and global ramifications, a room-temperature superconductor would mean faster and more efficient computers - and we might finally be able to enjoy the hoverboards we were promised by Back to the Future.

However, as we all know, anything that sounds too good to be true...often is, of course. Sensational claims demand equally sensational evidence. In this case, it means the research needs to be replicated with success. What makes the most recent claims of a room-temperature superconductor so compelling is that detailed (and, importantly, very practical) instructions were provided. That's a first. Like the ever-elusive, steady-hand video recording of Bigfoot, claims related to this area of science have always landed more in the area of "trust me bro" and less in the area of hard evidence. And, eventually, credible scientists come along to burst everyone's hype-bubble.

Labs and armchair enthusiasts around the world are busy trying to do just that by following the Korean team's detailed instructions with the goal of replicating their results - or disproving them. In the meantime, people like me would normally be confined to the grim fate of drumming our fingers in wait for the rain that inevitably tends to fall on parades like this. But! We no longer live in normal times. And, while we may have to wait for the professionals to provide the final verdict on whether or not a Jetsons-like world is closer than we thought, we normal folk finally have the means to translate the actual research in question.

I'm speaking, of course, about generative AI. For the first time, we have a widely available tool that allows anyone to upload entire documents for rapid analysis. To be clear, the general rule of thumb is that you should (for now, at least) be an SME of whatever you're relying on a generative AI platform to analyze. The tools can get things wildly wrong and "hallucinate" fabricated data. Still, they tend to be amazingly insightful and very accurate more often than not. And, hey this is harmless fun involving public data, so why not use the wizard-like scrawling of scientific research as a POC for generative AI capabilities?

Due to the current limitations of ChatGPT, Bard, and Bing, I used Claude 2 for this experiment. Claude (made by Anthropic) is the only tool of its kind, for the moment, that allows very large amounts of data to be uploaded and analyzed. In fact, I was able to upload not only the initial, 22-page PDF posted to, but also the subsequent paper that has yet to be translated into English. And Claude did not disappoint.

Full Conversation with Claude

Here was the prompt I used on the original PDF:

"Please thoroughly analyze the attached PDF and search for questionable conclusions, errors, problems, or potentially faulty experimentation. Determine if the research points to a credible and trustworthy conclusion and, if credible and trustworthy, offer an explanation for how and why the science involved works the way it does. Also provide a list of step-by-step instructions that may improve upon the findings or specific ongoing experimentation recommendations or strategy revisions that may result in improved measurements and outcomes."

And here was Claude's response:

Based on my analysis of the attached paper, here are my thoughts:

  • The paper claims to have achieved room temperature superconductivity in a material called LK-99. This is an extraordinary claim, as room temperature superconductivity has not been definitively demonstrated before. As such, the evidence presented needs to be scrutinized carefully.
  • The evidence for superconductivity presented includes measurements of zero resistivity, critical current, critical magnetic field, and Meissner effect. These measurements seem appropriate for demonstrating superconductivity. However, more experimental details on how these measurements were performed would help validate the results.
  • The XRD data shows the material is polycrystalline with a modified apatite structure. The proposed composition is Pb10-xCux(PO4)6O, with x around 0.9-1.0 based on XPS data. This composition and structure seem reasonable.
  • The explanation for the superconductivity involves the generation of "superconducting quantum wells" at the interfaces between Pb(1) and the insulating phosphate network due to distortions caused by Cu substitution. This is an interesting hypothesis, but more theoretical justification is needed.
  • The electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) data is claimed to confirm the presence of 2D electron gas indicative of quantum wells. However, the interpretation of the EPR signals is not definitively proven.
  • The heat capacity data does not follow conventional models, suggesting an unconventional mechanism. But more analysis is needed to confirm this.

Overall, while the results are intriguing, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. To improve confidence in the conclusions, I would recommend:

  • Provide more details on the electrical transport, magnetic, and thermal measurements. Include information on measurement system, connections, sample dimensions, etc.
  • Perform additional characterization like scanning probe microscopy to study the material morphology and interfaces in more detail.
  • Do theoretical calculations to justify the proposed quantum well model. DFT calculations could give insights into interface electronic structure.
  • Improve analysis of EPR data to conclusively show signals arise from 2D electron gas. Comparisons to known 2D electron gas systems may help.
  • Do more heat capacity modeling to analyze deviations from conventional behavior quantitatively.
  • Test superconducting properties further by measuring upper critical field, coherence length, London penetration depth, isotope effect, etc.
  • Have independent labs replicate the synthesis and measurements to confirm reproducibility.
  • Overall, do more experiments and analyses to strengthen the theoretical underpinning and present a compelling case free of doubt. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

...Pretty cool, right? Then I uploaded the more recent paper - without translation, since Claude is fluent in pretty much every language - and provided this follow-up prompt:

"Please perform the same level of analysis on this subsequently published research and advise accordingly."

And once again, Claude complied without complaint:

Based on my review of this follow-up paper, here are my thoughts:

  • This paper provides more background and context on the motivations and theoretical basis behind the search for room temperature superconductors.
  • It emphasizes approaching superconductivity from a statistical thermodynamics perspective, focusing on liquid-like behavior of electrons.
  • The key ideas proposed are limiting electron states to be 1D-like and enabling frequent electron-electron interactions. This aligns with recent theoretical work on unconventional superconductivity mechanisms.
  • More details are provided on the material synthesis process for the LK-99 sample. Using common, inexpensive materials is noted as a priority.
  • Magnetic property, zero resistivity, and heat capacity measurements are again presented as evidence for superconductivity above room temperature.
  • The apatite crystal structure of LK-99 is noted to be anisotropic and 1D-like electronically. This is proposed to enable the high Tc observed.
  • Discussion of relating viscosity and electrical resistance as thermodynamic state properties is interesting but requires more theoretical development.
  • Overall, this follow-up paper provides a clearer context on the theoretical approach pursued and motivation for the material choice. But experimental results are still similar to the initial paper.

In terms of improving confidence in the conclusions:

  • More quantitative analysis would be helpful, especially detailed theoretical calculations on proposed electron-electron interaction mechanisms.
  • Independent experimental validation from external labs is still important to confirm reproducibility.
  • Microscopic studies of the material structure and interfaces would help confirm the proposed 1D-like electronic system.
  • Additional experiments like upper critical field and magnetic penetration depth measurements would complement the existing characterization.
  • Publishing in a peer-reviewed journal would allow more critical evaluation from the scientific community.

In summary, this follow-up provides useful theoretical background but is still limited in terms of quantitative support. Additional experiments and independent validation are needed to substantiate the extraordinary claims. Engaging with the broader scientific community via peer review publishing could help strengthen the conclusions. But the ideas proposed align with recent unconventional superconductivity theories and merit further investigation if reproducibility is established.

Here's where I decided to get wild with it. My next prompt:

"Based on the research and findings currently alleged in the research I've provided (and assuming everything is factually accurate, as stated or theorized), how and why might LK-99 function the way it does, and what are the implications for steps or experiments that may lead to further breakthroughs (e.g., either improving LK-99's effect or learning from that effect an entirely new approach to achieving superconductivity)? What other synthetic materials or experiments may produce similar effects?"

Claude's reply:

Based on the current research, a potential explanation for how LK-99 could achieve high temperature superconductivity is through the formation of 1D-like electronic structures called superconducting quantum wells at the interfaces between the lead and insulating phosphate components. Some key points:

  • The apatite crystal structure is anisotropic, with electron conduction better along the c-axis. This provides a natural 1D-like electronic system.
  • Doping with copper induces stress and distortion of the lead-phosphate cylindrical columns.
  • This strain generates isolated superconducting regions at the interfaces - the proposed quantum wells.
  • Electrons can move through these quantum well regions via tunneling, enabling lossless transport.
  • The wells provide a confined space for enhanced electron-electron interaction, possibly enabling unconventional pairing.

If this model is accurate, some implications and next steps could include:

  • Do more detailed theoretical calculations of the band structure and electron-electron interactions in the hypothesized quantum wells. DFT simulations could provide insights.
  • Use scanning tunneling microscopy or other local probes to try and directly observe the layer structure and electron density in the wells.
  • Experiment with other dopants that could induce favorable strain fields and distortion in the apatite structure.
  • Introduce artificial superlattice layers or spacers when synthesizing the material to tune the quantum well regions.
  • Test superconducting properties like upper critical field and penetration depth that depend on the nature of the electron pairing state.
  • Look for similar anisotropic structures with 1D-like conduction, and try introducing controlled strain or interfaces to generate quantum confinement effects.

Overall, the confined 1D-like electronic system induced by interfacial strain seems a promising approach for unconventional high temperature superconductivity. Both theoretical simulations and direct local probes of the quantum well regions could provide greater insight. And expanding this concept to other anisotropic materials by engineering favorable strain profiles offers exciting possibilities worthy of further exploration.

Since I still didn't understand much of this, I asked Claude to simplify the concepts by entering the following prompt:

"Could you explain the concept of quantum wells and how this research (as well as your recommended next steps) differs from prior attempts at room-temperature superconductors? Please explain your response in a way that a 12-year-old could understand, but still be thorough."


Here's an explanation of the concept of quantum wells and how this research differs from previous attempts at room temperature superconductors:

Imagine a playground with a really fun slide. The slide is tall and completely vertical, like a tunnel. Kids love to climb up and zoom down this slide over and over again.

Now imagine putting up barriers on both sides of the slide, so the kids can only go up and down, not side to side anymore. This is like creating a quantum well! The kids are like electrons, and their motion is confined in one direction (up and down the slide).

In normal metals, electrons can move freely in all directions. But in the material LK-99, structural changes force the electrons to only move along certain pathways, like kids on the slide. This creates quantum wells.

Quantum wells are important because they limit where electrons can go. This allows the electrons to interact more strongly with each other, which helps them pair up. When electrons pair up, they can flow without resistance - creating superconductivity!

Previous room temperature superconductor attempts used high pressure or cooling. But LK-99 is special because it creates these quantum wells naturally at normal pressure and room temperature.

To improve LK-99, scientists want to study the quantum wells more using zoom-in microscope pictures. They also want to tweak the material recipe to make better quantum wells. This is like adjusting the slide tunnel size for faster zooms!

The quantum wells confine electrons like a slide confines kids. By limiting electron motion, the wells enable easier pairing and lossless conduction. Understanding and improving these quantum wells could be the key to room temperature superconductors!

My final prompt, based on the above explanation:

"Based on the research could you propose any other candidates that may naturally produce quantum wells?"


Here are some ideas for other candidate materials that may naturally produce quantum wells and have potential for high temperature superconductivity:

  • Other apatite structures - Apatites are a broad class of materials with a hexagonal crystal structure similar to LK-99. Exploring different metal and halogen substitutions could induce favorable strain patterns.
  • Transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) - These layered materials like MoS2 consist of sandwiched metal and chalcogen layers. Interfaces between layers or domains could create quantum confinement.
  • MXenes - These new 2D carbides and nitrides have layered structures with nanoscale control over stacking. MXene heterostructures could generate quantum wells.
  • Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) - The tunable porous structures of MOFs may allow embedding conductive layers between insulating organic linkers.
  • Superlattices - Artificially layered structures with angstrom-level control, usually made by molecular beam epitaxy. Allows designed quantum wells.
  • Topological insulators - Materials like Bi2Se3 have conducting surface states that could exhibit 1D confinement between insulating bulk domains.
  • Colossal magnetoresistance oxides - Unusual interactions between charge, spin, lattice in CMR manganites may stabilize quantum effects.
  • Graphene nanoribbons - Extremely narrow strips of graphene could exhibit 1D transport analogous to quantum wires.

The key criteria are anisotropic structures with potential for electron confinement between conductive domains. Exploring quantum confinement effects in these and other nanostructured materials could uncover new room temperature superconducting systems.

Concluding Thoughts

So, I had some fun with this little experiment. I am not an expert in any of the science related to this stuff, and it's possible that Claude got some of the data very wrong. It's also possible (and increasingly likely, unfortunately), that there were flaws in the research and/or testing that made headlines a few days ago. However, the fact that I was even able to do what you see here shows the potential for improved generative AI platforms in the future to provide substantial contributions to scientific R&D. We're not far off from a real-life J.A.R.V.I.S. - only available to everyone, not just the Tony Starks of the world.


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