"The Classified Adventures of Owl"? (8/3)?: in which Owl and Crew Take Off in the Wind Tunnel to Catch Enemies of the Wood (www.) & A Ghost Appears
Fan blades of Langley Research Center's 16 foot transonic wind tunnel in 1990, before it was retired in 2004 NASA/photographer unknown - Great Images in NASA Description

"The Classified Adventures of Owl" (8/3): in which Owl and Crew Take Off in the Wind Tunnel to Catch Enemies of the Wood (www.) & A Ghost Appears

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Fan blades of Langley Research Center's 16 foot transonic wind tunnel in 1990, before it was retired in 2004 NASA/photographer unknown - Great Images in NASA Description

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Last Time: Owl prepared his new crew for the mission to catch the Enemies of the World Wide Wood (www.) at O.W.L. (Owl Woo-Woo unLimited) H.Q. in the NZ Bush. They attended a Mind-Tampering and Cognitive Dissonance Course run by ED. (the narrator and Owl's minder) and are readying for take-off down the Wind Tunnel prepared by Rocket Owl and Geoffrey Owl (Brown Owl's 2IC and pet owl/slave).

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They are after P-Hooty who has escaped (again!) and his acolytes Lyin' Traitor Barney Owl and his suck-up from a neighbouring failed state, Ossie Owl. Their duplicitous failed plan was to fake Horny Owl's death at the Battle of Owl Creek. But P-Hooty (bubo bubo) turned the Water Tables on him and shape-shifted into the snake he is and, Alas! Poor Horny, hastened his demise.

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RIP Horny.

Relief from a carved funerary lekythos at Athens showing Hermes as

 psychopomp conducting the soul of the deceased, Myrrhine into Hades (ca. 430-420 B.C.)

[ED: Enough of that. Good Riddance to Hades, Horny!]

Oscar Bluhm auf dem Balkon

Oscar Bluhm auf dem Balkon

Owl, our intrepid covert operative, sometime NOC and failed lounge singer, in his usual louche, loco, laconic, and lunatic fashion, has said langorous farewells to Belle Epoque who is with owl.


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Brown Owl Head of Troop, and Chief of the Secret Cabal of O.W.L. (SCO) in the NZ Bush outpost of the Wood, in her breviloquent way, has farewell-ed Owl thus: Get going, Owl! No trouble or else there will be Trouble!

Alice Joyce 1926- 1920s in Western fashion

Read on............without any further fado about nothing.

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Morepork Owl (Ninox novaeseelandiae)(ruru or boobook)

Owl: Well, we're all strapped in - my nervous new recruits Nigel the Rook, Mrs. Peel the Cat-Owl and Suzy the Barn Owl. We'll be picking up my former Scooby Dooby Waa-Waa Ladies The Owlettes on the way. They wouldn't miss this take-down for anything! Do the countdown thing Geoffrey.

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Rocket Owl: All systems are go. Start the Merry-Go-Round and the Swings on the Battleground!

Start the count, Geoffrey. We need to reach 270.

CMS detector for Large Hadron Collider; A view inside the CMS detecter in Cessy, France (24 April 2014)

Tighef - Own work

Geoffrey Owl: There's a bit of a delay with the counting, sorry boss. Ermmm, grrrrrrmpfiff, calm and patience please, the process is working and we'll get there in the end! There's a bit of a wind-up going on and a lot of hot air is being emitted. Steady, steady, steady as she goes!! The count is being completed, and we’ll know very soon........

Owl (swinging from one state of mind to another): We're off!

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Cut to the Million Acre Wood down south on the far-right of Owl Creek where it is thought P-Hooty has caught up with his followers and is attempting to resurrect Horny.

[ED: But Brown Owl stuffed Horny after his demise at the Battle of Owl Creek and can see him dangling from the branch nearby her C3ISR Tree]

Title page of the First Quarto of The Tragedy of King Richard the third

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But wait!! There is a vision of.......what can it be emerging from the swampy foggy bottom of Sh*t Creek?

By 1853, when the popular song Spirit Rappings was published, Spiritualism was an object of intense curiosity.

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Richard III earliest surviving portrait

P-Hooty: Arrrgh! Its Horny's G-g-g-g-ghost!

Horny's Ghost: Arrrgh! It's that traitorous fiendish snake in my bosom P-Hooty. I thought he was my partner in crime, my evil twin, my frenemy! How deluded was I! He shape-shifted into a snake and stung me in the Big Sting of Owl Creek. What's he doing here? Why has he resurrected me? I was enjoying the view of Brown Owl from my perch.

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English actor David Garrick as Richard III just before the battle of Bosworth Field. His sleep having been haunted by the ghosts of those he has murdered, he wakes to the realisation that he is alone in the world and death is imminent. The painting, David Garrick as Richard III (1745), by William Hogarth.

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Horny: Maybe I can bribe him with one of my funerary coins and he will give me asylum in Eurasia Wood? I will sing him a song to lull him into a false sense of security then make my bid.

Silver groat of Richard III Photographed by: York Museums Trust Staff 

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Sheet music cover for the Beatles' song "Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown)"

Play "Norwegian Wood …"


Writer(s): Lennon John Winston, McCartney Paul James

"Eurasia Wood (This Bird Has Flown)"

(with apologies to Lennon/McCartney)

I once had a boy

Or should I say

He once had me

He showed me his snake

Isn't it good

Eurasian Wood.

He asked me to stay

And he told me to perch anywhere

So I looked around

And I noticed there wasn't a chair

I sat on a branch

Biding my time

Watching Brown Owl

We talked until two

And then he said

"It's time for bed"

He told me he worked in the morning

And started to laugh

I told him I didn't

And crawled off to sleep on my branch

And when I awoke

I was alone

This bird had flown

So I lit a fire

Isn't it good

Eurasian Wood

Next Time: P-Hooty and Horny's Ghost do a deal for asylum but then Owl arrives with his Crew of Trainee NOCS. There will be some tension and stress, maybe a flurry and a bit of a shredding of feathers, but hopefully not Owl's.

Pamela Williamson ? All Rights Reserved

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Sir John Tenniel: Alice in Wonderland

Pamela is a New Zealand consultant and founder of sky canopy consulting, a writer, satirist, poet, researcher, analyst and synthesiser, with a Masters in Conflict and Terrorism Studies from the University of Auckland.

She has been around long enough on this planet to be a former lawyer, psychotherapist and executive coach.

She loves owls, masks, ballet, black cats, hot air balloons, witches and wizards, Shakespeare, metaphors, memes, magical realism, reading, history, walking around lakes, carnivals, carousels, circuses, Fiat cars, surrealism, Mozart, opera, dragons, cheongsams, sky rockets, turkish delight, spider brooches, mosaics, museums, hot baths, beer, red wine, bedtime stories, Alice in Wonderland, Christmases, holidays, native birds and their habitats, riding on her broomstick and travelling in her imagination. She is a red-headed owl and her avatar is a Venetian flame-feathered Colombina mask of the Commedia del Arte.

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