Classification of CTP systems
Professional Printing Plate Manufacturer
From the aspect of the exposure system, it can be divided into four categories: inner drum type, outer drum type, flat type, and curved type. Among these four types, the inner drum type and the outer drum type are the most used; the flat type is mainly used for large-format plates such as newspapers; the curved type is the least used.
From the type of plate material, it can be divided into silver salt plate, thermal plate (ablative thermal plate, non-ablative thermal plate), photosensitive resin plate, and polyester plate (non-metal plate base), etc.;
In terms of technology, it can be divided into thermal technology (ordinary laser imaging), violet laser technology, UV light source technology;
From the degree of automation, it can be divided into manual stand-alone, semi-automatic, fully automatic, and hybrid (CTF-computer to film and CTP-computer to plate).
In terms of the way the printing plate is fixed on the drum, it can be divided into two types: full adsorption type and middle adsorption type, and the end and the end are fixed by clips. The full adsorption type has no limit on the size of the plate, while the plate format used by the clip type must have a fixed size.
From the aspect of the application, it can be divided into commercial CTP system and application CTP system.