Classic Quarter - foretelling of a coast path traverse in something approaching verse
Richard Wadman
Corporate Finance Director at PKF Francis Clark Chartered accountants & business advisers
Tomorrow, at ridiculously early o'clock some of my colleagues from PKF-Francis Clark Chartered accountants & business advisers are heading off to partake in the Classic Quarter ("CQ"). To commemorate the occasion a poem, of sorts, has been written, which I share with you below..
A coast path run
With camaraderie and fun
The CQ is this weekend
44 miles from Lizard to Lands End
Not including me
There are 17 (yes 17!) from FC
Who will be participating
And hopefully later celebrating
Beauty will be in abundance
To distract from the endurance
Keep the sea on your left, directions enough
Eyes and ears open for Cornish Choughs
Sea pinks are in bloom, just
Taking in the views is a must
Individuals become teams as batons are passed
Does not matter whether one is first or last
For each it will be a journey
Physically and mentally
Traversing the SW coast path
There may be tears, and a few laughs..
So, come down and cheer them on
Maybe in Penzance or Marazion
Or if not just wish them well
And on Tuesday ask them stories to tell
(this is part of our fundraising efforts for SW Children's Hospice - details at Link)