Class Cancelled
Vikram Shetty ??
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Questions of the week: Why have we cancelled the Friday learning sessions?
I write this article based on the insight of my conversation with my team in our monthly 1-on-1 call. I speak with each one of my team members. This article is to share the question of this week and our method to work on it. You can subscribe to the Building Our Team newsletter (2200+ subscribers)
Photo by AI (Midjourney)
Why have we cancelled the Friday learning sessions?
Friday learning session is a couple of hour calls the team used to get in and discuss the weekly learnings or some difficult topics. Recently I cancelled it for the next three to four months; the reason for cancelling is that it is not an effective system. We need to produce more outcomes even after spending so much time, energy, effort, frustration and teaching, spoon-feeding etc.
That means we will still need to remove the culture of learning. We are trying to change the system in that the effectiveness of it increases so that it becomes less of watching either video or passively attending some live sessions or workshops or demonstrations and like watching a show or something and more of a practical hands-on project, assignment, assessment, test etc. So that people can demonstrate the skills to their peers, leaders and even clients.
The team says they were learning very much with this session, I would blatantly disqualify that myth because it is more like a feeling of learning than real learning.
the feeling of learning vs real learning
Imagine watching a craft show on a TV with a lot of paper, cardboard, colour pens, glue sticks and all. When the presenter demonstrates, you feel like you're learning a lot, and you feel a sense of progress, but then actually, if I give you all the materials that you just watched on the show and ask you to do the craft, you will not be able to create it.
Similarly, when you're watching all the past learning sessions, all the on-demand videos or learning more about the clients or reading documentation or attending a session with the presenter etc., you get to know more about the topic and the subject, but that doesn't convert into real learning.?
Real learning comes from doing the stuff, demonstrating your skill and building, and showing the confidence to your lead that you can do the tasks independently without any supervision.
Now the theme of learning is less of watching and more of doing.