Class of 2021 Digital Commencement Address
Note: In the most unusual of years, the following message is one I wish to convey to all college and university graduates.
Hello graduates.
This is always a proud moment, not only for the Auburn Family but for all of higher education. We congratulate you and celebrate you! The reward of seeing new graduates and their families celebrate this special occasion reaffirms that we are continuing down the right path – inspiring each student to lead, discover their potential and contribute to the world around them.
I have great respect for how you seamlessly adjusted to remote learning for the last mile of your academic journey. We are not surprised with how well you handled this transition.
You didn’t throw in the towel when you faced unparalleled challenges this past academic year. You rolled up your sleeves and looked for solutions. You leaned on each other for support and accountability. As new graduates navigating the ins and outs of this world, your resilience in adapting to change will be invaluable as the years progress.
Though COVID-19 exposed many pre-existing problems in our society, we have been reminded that it is not the only issue facing our nation. As such, it is worth asking what will you do with this hardship to build a better tomorrow? As this momentous occasion marks both the ending and beginning, it is the beginning that follows the ending that represents the challenge at hand.
That is where you come in. You may be anxious at the thought of what lies ahead as you prepare to enter a post-collegiate world. In this time of uncertainty, we all face an opportunity to restore genuine integrity, equity and values for future generations. Getting us to that place will require honesty, leadership and recommitment from all.
As the class of 2021, you take on this special and vital role. During your time as a student, you exemplified creativity, aspiration and curiosity, which you no doubt will apply down the road as you work to reach your hopes and dreams.
We are confident about our future simply knowing that you, our graduates, will lead us into a time of great change.
Class of 2021: the world is yours to make better. May all of you fare well on the journey ahead!
Isaiah D Gunther College of Liberal Arts (Magna Cum Laude) from NY to Auburn University ( Mom and Dad )are so proud of being part of the War Eagle 4life Family.