Class 100 Cleanroom Services in India - Top Providers
Nowadays, the demand for a cleanroom is rising. Therefore, it’s crucial to understand the top players for Class 100 Cleanroom services in India. These services can be related to the equipment, services & lab setup. In this article, we are going to unveil the top 3 companies that offers such services along with various other crucial aspects.
Moving ahead, we can say that not all organizations are suitable for all. Users have to choose them based on their requirements. First, we are going to understand what is a cleanroom followed by the certifications & top service providers. Also, as a bonus, we are going to mention the must-have equipment as per the Class 100 & ISO 5 standards.
What is Cleanroom & What Are Its Certifications?
A Cleanroom is a controlled environment specially created for conducting data recovery, research, data forensics, etc tasks. This place is totally controlled in terms of temperature, humidity, air quality, pressure, etc.
Now based on the level of accuracy and capabilities, these Cleanrooms are given classes or ISO certifications.
The major difference among various classes is the amount of 0.5-micron particles per cubic foot. Therefore, We have a few class certifications as mentioned below:
ISO 5 or Class 100 - 0.5 micron particles not more than 100 per cubic foot.
ISO 6 or Class 1000 - 0.5 micron particles not more than 100 per cubic foot.
ISO 7 or Class 10000 - 0.5 micron particles not more than 100 per cubic foot.
ISO 8 or Class 100000 - 0.5 micron particles not more than 100 per cubic foot.
Top 3 Leaders in Class 100 Cleanroom Services in India
Now, its time to understand what are the top 3 organizations that have really achieved this class 100 or ISO 5 level of certifications & how budgeted they are.
Now before making any decisions, users must make sure to understand their offerings. This will most likely play an effective role in the selection.
SysTools Class 100 Cleanroom Services in India
SysTools is a leading organization in the world of data recovery, data migration, data forensics, etc. SysTools helps corporations and government organizations in two ways:
Stellar ISO 5 Certified Cleanrooms in India
Stellar is also offering services but here they focus on providing services to organizations in data recovery. While they can’t set up a lab, they can definitely recover data from devices in a controlled environment.
Stellar has its labs and experts that are equipped with state-of-the-art tools required for such operations.
Mark Air India Ceanrooms Hardware
Now, Mark Air India has a totally different identity. It does not set up labs or provide services. However, it manufactures equipment required in setting up a Cleanroom lab. They have all the equipment from as basic as Cleanroom masks & garments to heavy laminar flow workstations, HEPA filters, purifiers etc. Below is the list of some equipment they offer:
Which Organization Is Best for Class 100 Cleanroom Services in India?
We can not say that one organization is best because it totally depends on the requirements of the entity. But in a nutshell, for equipment, Mark Air India is the right choice whereas SysTools is the best one for lab setup and in-lab services. They are the best service providers for ISO 5 or Class 100 Cleanrooms in India so far.
The Final Say
Finally, we are well aware of the top three organizations leading in the vertical of Cleanroom labs in India. Either direct services or indirect equipment manufacturing, these are recognized by the relevant authorities and reliable as of their past track records.