Clash of Commitments: America's Conundrums, from Weddings to Warfare Preparations
Barbara Allen
I help successful entrepreneurs who want to write their books but don't know how.
Today’s Decisions for Americans:
Prepare for the rapture or stock up on ammo
Build a homestead or rely on supply chain
Pay your taxes or pay your rent/mortgage
Create financial independence or face more mandates
All while we:
Watch our tax dollars be given to illegal aliens
See the president’s son avoid tax evasion charges
Watch our police officers be executed
Hear the hypocrisy of “elected” “leaders”
Feel the pain in our wallets
Both of these lists could go on and on. Each day a new dilemma and a new insult land upon us. No end to this madness appears to be in sight. In fact, any time we almost glimpse a light at the end of tyranny’s tunnel, that light is instantly snuffed.
We have an installed president who falls up stairs, off bikes, and out of consciousness when meeting with world leaders and victims of natural disasters. We have his co-installed vice president who can’t spell AI let alone oversee it as tasked.?
One political party’s minions are free to burn cities, assault law enforcement officers, attack the White House, harass members of congress, threaten the life of a sitting president, knowingly file false charges, smash storefront windows to steal thousands of dollars of merchandise, and walk naked down the street alongside small children.?
Those who oppose these events are arrested for reading the Bible out loud in public, congregating at church, peacefully ( as in non-violently, touching no one and damaging no property, nor threatening another human being) protesting, going to school, lawfully paying back taxes and penalties, opening their business, or even reading out loud at school board meetings, from books their adolescent children are offered at the school libraries.?
Those who exercise our First Amendment right to point out the double standard, backroom dealing, illegal and unconstitutional acts, alternate options for personal health decisions, data and reports of serious? risks from certain mandated health protocols, or simply to find some snarky humor in otherwise humorless moments are censored, threatened, and punished, if not also arrested.?
Those who champion the dismemberment of infants in the womb are themselves championed, while those who seek to protect the most vulnerable of lives are maligned and threatened.?
Now, just as the country braces for another election cycle and those of us in the colder states start thinking about winterizing our worlds, I’m also trying to focus on getting my own work done while I get ready for a wedding in just under 4 weeks-?my wedding.
Now, this is already an emotional moment in my life, as I balance the absolute love and joy I am blessed with today, with the part of me that will never stop loving and missing my first husband, who was murdered by a fellow soldier while in Iraq, just over 18 years ago.
I should be free to focus on getting our house in order, being with family,? closing real estate deals, accepting ghostwriting projects, marketing my books and speaking, as my fiance and I build our lives together.?
But every time I hop online to do some virtual networking or content creation- you know, all the things one does when working for oneself- I am BOMBARDED with lunacy that ranges from actual fake news to news I wish was actually fake.?
I see fellow Americans and humans in foreign lands suffering from disasters that are unnaturally natural. I see lives decimated by warmongering and greed, just as they are ravaged by fires and tornadoes.?
I hear one politician lying and another one lying even louder. I see shocking abuses of power, and now we see familiar hints of more unconstitutional, income destroying health and welfare crushing, Americans last bull*** coming our way in the name of public good.... coincidentally just as full-blown election season begins.?
I don’t know if I’m supposed to go protest any one of the shocking abuses of power, knowing it will likely get me arrested by a law enforcement officer who was just told not to arrest the person walking down the street naked with a child, or I’m supposed to build a chicken coop and stock it with chickens, spend the money I salvage from taxes on more ammo, or food supplies, or a cabin as close to the middle of nowhere as one can get in the era of satellites and gps tracking,?
You want to know why so many people will still vote for Trump even if he’s in jail? It’s because they are so OVER the bullshit attacks on him that included fake dossiers and other made up crap. Not to mention, they are also OVER watching so many Democrats openly breaking the law, abusing power, while continuing to get paid and reinstalled in office.?
As it is, my dog would do a better job than this president- because the only thing he has in common with Biden is that he, too, eats his own sh**.
And nothing I point out matters, anyway, because the moment I do, some “Influencer” pops a post up about what an idiot I am for paying attention to that when the real thing is over here..
I hear you Oliver- we all wish we could wake up and it not be true.
But I guess it is so- yeah.?
Lock and Load, America- It looks like the real games are just about to begin.?
I love this country, in spite of it all. Just like I committed to one marriage, til death did us part on this earth, and just like I am about to commit to this marriage up to and beyond this lifetime, I am committed to this country.
For better, or for worse.