The Clash Between Truth and Belief
Jeff Nischwitz (he/his/him)
Consigliere, Performance Coach, People Whisperer, Snow Globe Shaker ... Lover of bold red wine ?? .. Cuban cigars .. Hearty bourbon ?? .. Broadway theater ??
Recently, I was asked what might initially seem like a challenging question: “How do you define the difference between beliefs (or perspectives) and truth?” Yet, my answer was simpler than you might think – “I don’t know of very many truths that are more than deeply held beliefs.” Science purports to offer us truth, and yet many scientific truths have changed over time and there are almost always disputes about the truth of science. Religion often speaks of truths, but they’re deeply held beliefs about what is true (which is not the same as truth). I hope you’ll share with us all things that you believe to be true (yes, the pun was intended). I may be na?ve, but it seems to me that the search for truth is actually a search for something you’re willing to believe in. We’d like more things to be true (and verifiable) because then we will have THE answers we seek, but maybe life doesn’t work that way. Life is more about faith than truth. Life is more about perspectives than reality. Life is more about choices than certainties (which means risk). You may find this unsettling, but I find it uplifting and it allows me to navigate an uncertain world in a different and better (for me) way. Instead of seeking someone’s else’s truth, I encourage you to seek out something that you’re fully prepared to believe (and therefore make it your truth).
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