Clarity of Your Mission
Allison Jordan
I partner with leaders to rise into their leadership through grounding into their inner wisdom. | Leadership Coach | Educator | Facilitator & Retreat Leader | Executive Director Mentor | Yoga Teacher
35,000. That’s the number of decisions we make every single day. No wonder I feel overwhelmed some days.
Many decisions are small, like what to eat for lunch but some are major, like accepting a new job. And some feel major, but really aren’t.
Big or small, each decision impacts our future.
What if you had a guide that made decisions less overwhelming?
Creating and following your personal mission statement is a great first step.
What is most important to you? What role does it play in your daily decision making? Are the two connected and do you spend most of your day focused on meeting them?
Being clear on your mission then filtering your decisions through it add an ease to making decisions. Your mission is what motivates and drives you. Your mission is your purpose. It’s what you are here to do. If you are not clear on it, then stop what you are doing and get clear.
We’ve spent hours wordsmithing mission statements for our organizations, but what about for our lives? We are worthy of the same time and focus.
Think about your best life and who you most want to be, ask yourself:
- What is most important to me?
- What good am I bringing to the world?
- How do I want to show up?
- What defines how I show up?
- How do I want to feel?
Use your answers to draft your mission statement in a sentence or two. Be concise and positive. Don’t spend hours, not that you are not worthy of the time, but start with your gut.
Say the sentence out loud and see how it feels.
- Are you confident or you do stumble over the words?
- Can you live into it?
- Do you feel inspired?
If you’re confident, then go with it! If you stumble when saying it out loud then keep working on it.
Once you’ve got a statement you feel really good about it, Congratulations! Post it where you see it regularly. As you make each of your 35,000 decisions, ask yourself if it fits within your mission. Allow your mission to be your guide.
Still struggling? Reach out at [email protected]! I’m happy to help.