Clarity & progressing over Challenges & moves in life or work

Clarity & progressing over Challenges & moves in life or work

Be humble or the life/occupation will eventually find a way to humble you. There is no reward without risk. If it seems too good to be true, it probably is. The longer your patience & determination, the higher your odds of success. Every time is different. You haven’t seen this movie of life before. No one has!

Plans > Prophesies. Evidence > Opinions. Practical forecasts > foolishness.

The only certainty is uncertainty. Expect the unexpected. Suspend disbelief.Time is infinitely more valuable than money. Passive beats active on average. Simplicity beats complexity on average. Being good at suffering is a superpower.

Doing nothing (low frequency) usually beats doing something (high frequency). First, do no harm. Don’t be afraid to say “I don’t know.” Stay within your “circle of competence.” No one rings a bell at the top or the bottom. Many ring it in hindsight.

The best strategy is the one you can stick with long enough to reap the benefits of compounding. Learn to control your emotions or your emotions will control you.



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