CLARITY: Productivity at work

CLARITY: Productivity at work

“Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning and focused effort.”

Paul J. Meyer


Given the squeeze on budgets, and suppressed demand due to the economic climate, lots of companies are looking at ways to boost productivity. This week we take a look at the key drivers of productivity after analysing Mercer’s “Workforce 2.0”report which looks at global HR trends in the workforce.


How to Boost Productivity

As part of the survey, a C-suite questionnaire asked:

Investment in which areas would give the biggest boost to productivity in your organisation? The focus for decision makers is:

Employee up/reskilling??????????????? ????????????? ?51%

Physical and mental wellbeing? ??????????????? 45%

Process optimisation ?????????????????????????????????44%

Generative AI ?????????????????????????????????????????????40%

Simplified organisational structure????????? 37%


No real surprises there. However, the following may be…


Biggest drain on productivity

Employees were then asked:

What keeps you from being productive at work?

Working on tasks that don’t add value ?? ? 42%

Too many interruptions???????????????????????????? ? ?38%

Ineffective structure?????????????????????????????????? ? ?35%

Unsustainable workload?????????????????????????????? 32%



It’s amazing to think that nearly half of all employees feel they are working on tasks that don’t add value. There is surely potential to review working practices and provide people with more opportunity to make a difference? ?

The full report can be found here if you want to learn more:


